Chapter 2

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We pull up at a shack. It looks like there are two floors and no one's cleaned it for years. Even so, It's home. Even if I might get lost from time to time: I'm sure I'm overreacting but it does look big. A dog jumps up at one of the only windows, the one close to the rustic door, wagging its tail and barking loudly.

"Whose dog is that?" I ask my mum as I get out of the car, the boys are already getting to the front door making sure everything is perfect for my arrival. My Dad's words, not mine.  

"Why, Chrissy. That's your dog. Her name's Cookie." My mum replies, smiling at the dog whose now licking the window.

"Cookie," I mumble her name quietly. It brings back a sense of Deja Vu . . .

"You do realize your cleaning it's shit, Chrissy." My brother states. He's only recently started swearing, he loves the power it gives him, that and the fact our parents go crazy every time he says a naughty word.
"Luce! She has a name." I tell him sternly as I hug the cute dog, I kiss her caramel fur as my brother asks, "And, pray tell, is her name?"
He rolls his eyes. "You and food. I hope you aren't planning to eat that dog!"
"I would never!" I gasp.
"I don't know, you are known for your sleepwalking. Bad! Chrissy, very bad!" He scolds.
"Oh shush. You're just mad mum didn't get you a snake." I state.
"Eh. Mum is too scared to have a snake. I'll have one when I'm older." My brother tells me as he pats my head and walks off into the kitchen for snacks. Football making him eat a lot more.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mum stresses, "Do we need to go back to the hospital?"

"Mum I'm fine." I smile. "Did Luce ever get his snake?"

She gasps, tears once again filling her eyes. "You remember?"

"I just remembered now. When you said Cookie's name."

"Oh, I'm so happy!"

Then she pauses, deep in thought. Her whole body tenses until she asks me, "Don't tell anyone else okay? Don't tell anyone you're remembering anything?"

"What why?" I say, dumbfounded. 

"Just promise me?" She pleads.

"Okay." I sigh, "I promise."

I can trust her. She's been here for me since I woke up, she's barely left my side. Even though it'll hurt not telling Luce or my Dad.

With that my mum's smile is back and she tells me, "I'm so happy for you sweetie, now come on. Cookie's ever so excited to see you."

Cookie was excited to see me. As I walked up the drive Cookie came waddling up to me pompously trying to show off how sophisticated she is. "Awww, come here girl. I've missed you so much!"

Her chocolate brown eyes glowed with the thrill of having me back home. We shared the same buzzing feeling. And, after picking her up my brother gave me a full-blown house tour.

On the first floor there is; the living room, kitchen, dining room, guest bedroom, bathroom, and gaming room.
The second floor had; My parent's Room- which I wasn't allowed in, my brother's Room- which was super messy, a bathroom that I and my brother are going to share, and my room. They hadn't changed it since the accident, which is weird. It looks like a fifteen-year-old room. With the pink curtains and posters of some guy I'd never seen before, then again that seemed to be the theme in my life recently.
But seeing as I was seventeen now I'd have to change it up a bit in here. I'd change the curtains, I'm fond of them, they had tiaras and glass shoes on them too. Maybe I'll get some purple curtains instead. I think I like the colour purple.

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