Chapter 9

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I wake up with a raging headache, not as bad as the one I had in the hospital but it still makes me groan into Ella's pillow. That is until memories of last night flood back to me, Nathan, Eric, and the broken promise to my dad.

"Uhhh," I groan again.

"Can you shut up!" Ella complains from next to me. We're sharing the same bed, and both are highly hungover.

"Uhhh," I groan again just to annoy her.

"Uhhh," she groans back.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Ella asks, "What time is your dad picking you up?"

"At ten."

"You have thirty minutes." She informs me.

"How on earth could you possibly know that," I ask, incredulously.

"Oh, I have an internal clock, I always know the time." She informs me.

"Really?" I ask, amazed.

"No," She laughs. Then points at her phone which she is currently looking at.

"Meanie," I tell her before grabbing my clothes and heading off to shower.
The doorbell rings once I'm dressed and I gather up all my things making sure to hug Ella and say goodbye to her family-especially Charlie who ran straight into my legs to get a hug.

I step out into the fresh which helps soothe my migraine.

"How was it?" My dad snaps.

"Good," I answer hesitantly.

He nods before getting into the car. I also get in and ask, "what's wrong."

He sighs, "I and your brother got into a small argument about universities."

After that the ride home is quiet, we pass houses and trees that loom over our car and I can spot a group of people from school hanging out in the park.

Lucas was waiting by the door as my dad grabbed my bag from where I'd shoved it in the boot.

"You and dad got into a fight?" I quietly question him.

"Yeah," he shrugs like it's not a big deal.

Dad grunts as he passes Lucas but doesn't say anything to him.

"I'll put your bag in your room." He informs me.

I nod as he walks away before turning back to Lucas. "Why were you guys fighting?"

"About universities." He says with nonchalance.

"What about universities?" I press.

He rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face. "You just can't let this go can you." He sighs, "he wants me to go but I don't want to leave you . . . Here."

It's like he has more to say but is refusing to say it.

"You know I'll be okay right." I inform him quietly, "I love you, you know this but you being gone for a little bit to do something you want to do . . ." I stop.

Thinking over what to say in my head before stating, "I'm not going to stop you from living the life you want to live."

He sighs before hugging me and saying, "I'll be a phone call away. You have any questions, you need anything. You call me, straight away."

I nod whilst leaning my head on his chest.

"When will you leave?" I question.

"Well I applied before the car crash and a space just opened for a football scholarship. I have to leave in a week."

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