Chapter 4

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I wake up early to my alarm blearing next to me. I groan in annoyance wondering why on earth I thought it was a good idea to wake up this early. I know it's the start of school today but for all that is holy why does it have to start at seven am? Who thought that was a good idea? 

I groan as I lift myself off of my comfy bed. And crawl slowly to the bathroom to quickly get ready. 

Waffles were sitting on the table waiting for me once I'd made my way to the kitchen. I scoff them down.

"Chrissy, let's go." My brother orders me.

"I'm coming!" I shout and run over to him as he opens the front door.

The car ride to school consisted of me bouncing my leg up and down causing my brother to be distracted. I quickly tried to stop my nervousness but the fact that I wasn't fond of cars and it was my first day did not help me in any way. 

I stare outwards, at the passing houses. We've gotten to the less poor roads now, unlike where I and my family live. 

Streets are lined with children and teenagers all on their way to school. A school that word gives me the butterflies, suddenly I realise, I'm not nervous or freaking out anymore. I'm happy to finally be going.

My thought process is going along the lines of I've done this before, I have a friend, I can do this. My brain is shouting at me, telling me, "I can do this."

And when we arrived, my brother jumps out of the car before me, in a hurry to open my door. He tries to help me up as well but I wack his arm away, I can do this. I tell myself again.

"I can get out of a car on my own," I inform him.

I'm pumped, and ready for the day. Excited to be, back?

I walk off as I wave goodbye to my brother, not before kissing him on his cheek.

"Bye," I shout as I head up the front steps.

He waves back and then he gets into the car and drives off.

I wish he hadn't finished school already. I wish he wasn't going to university in a couple of months but sadly he is.

I tell myself to think about more positive things, more thrilling things. School.

I am here.

And so is Ella. She's down the other end of the hall, opening up her locker.

I rush over towards her excited to talk to her again, during my rush to Ella I didn't notice a tall, blonde hair boy coming the opposite way. We collide into each other. The impact makes my head smash against his chest.

"Move," he says, arrogantly.

Then he starts up his brisk pace along the hall and I'm left dumbfounded and trying to regain my bearings.

"Um, did you remember anything then?" Ella asks as she comes up to me.

"No, why?" I ask her incredulously.

"Oh, no reason you just had this face when I came up to you." She quickly explains.

"Oh no. A guy just bumped into me." I explain.

"Okay," she says.

Then she grabs the timetable in my hand, looks over it, and then smiles. "Follow me, your tour guide, towards your first-ever class! Maths."


Maths was amazing, and Mr Adams (my teacher), was super kind to me. I was lucky. Mainly because I wasn't forced to stand up and tell the other students about myself, but given the situation- and the fact that they probably knew about me, I got out of it.

"What's next on the lessons list tour guide?" I ask her.

"Next lesson you have English, which I'm not in. But afterwards, meet me outside and we can go to history yeah?"

I nod as we stop in front of my English class and she runs off. Guess I'm on my own now.

The door swings open and a strict, aggressive woman stands on the other side. "Come in." She instructs, "introduce yourself to the class then sit down next to Eric."

Introduce myself.

Okay, easy, right?

"Hello, I'm Chrissy." I wave my hand towards everyone.

"Is that all? Nothing else about you." My teacher sneers.

"My favourite colours are purple?" I question. I'm not sure what my favourite colour is but I do like purple and it's the colour of my room so I can infer that it was.

"Good enough. Go sit down and then we'll start the lesson." The woman sighs.

I scurry over to the only spare seat in the class. And as I sit down and look over at the guy next to me I realise he's the same one who I bumped into in the hall.

"Oh, hi, again." I say awkwardly to him, "sorry about earlier I should've been looking-" I get cut off by him directing his glare from the front of the class to me.

His eyes. That's what gets me, the shimmering green orbs that match his perfect sandy hair.

He reminds me of someone and I don't know who.

"Shut up." He orders, "I don't want your apology for anything. Never speak to me again. Shouldn't be too difficult for you."

Then just like that, he looks ahead to the front of the class.

Right. English is not one of my favourite subjects.


By the time lunch rolls around I'm already done with the day. It's been tedious. What's worse is my favourite subject- English has now been corrupted.

But I don't want to talk about it, instead, I storm into the cafeteria. As usual, all eyes are on me. And as I go to the lunch queue and spot girls giggling to themselves and looking my way.

I roll my eyes. This has happened before, they don't even know me. They just like how I look and the money that comes with dating me.

Alisha is the worst of them. Or maybe there's one other girl that could be worse.

They all annoy the hell out of me. I don't know how they don't see it when they try to make conversation with me. 

I grab a chicken burger and some fries. After I've paid I spot my football friends at our usual table and I head over towards them and also, sadly, in the direction of Alisha.

"O-M-G! Eric!" She screeches.

"Oh no," I mutter to myself. I am now a deer caught in headlights. I have no escape plan.

"Come over here, sit with me, baby." She pat's the seat next to her.

As if that's going to get me to sit in the lions' den.

"No, I'm good." I inform her and carry on walking towards my 'friends'.

School sucks. Why did I want to come back?

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