Chapter 15

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With me being so focused on getting my memories back I'd completely forgotten about Lucas going to university. He leaves today, early in the morning. This means me and my mum have woken up at five am to cook breakfast for him.

"What song do you want to listen to?" My mum asks me.

"Amy Winehouse?" I ask her, knowing she likes her music.

We dance around the kitchen whilst cooking English breakfast.

After half an hour, Lucas walks downstairs, with a suitcase and a couple of bags in his hands.

"Breakfast before you go, Lucas." Mum orders him.

He tells her, "Okay, I'm just going to put this stuff in my car."

She sighs as he walks out, "I can't believe he won't allow me to drive him."

He comes back in and sits at the table. After starting to eat I ask, "Where's dad?"

"He couldn't be here, dear," Mum replies.

"Oh," I frown. Poor Lucas, did dad even say goodbye?

"Shit. I have to go guys." Lucas frowns while looking at his watch.

We all stand up and walk outside.

Lucas hugs mum first and whispers something in her ear. I strain to hear them but sadly I can't.

Next, he comes over to me and envelopes me in a tight hug. "Be safe, Chrissy. If you need anything, call me. Okay?"

I nod while giving him a tight squeeze.

"You have to go remember?" I remind him.

He nods before getting in the car. My heart fills with warmth as I watch him drive toward his future. I can't wait to see him again.

"Okay, I'm going to go to work. I'll be home late tonight so I'll probably next talk to you tomorrow morning?" My mum informs me.

"Okay," I agree with her.

Left alone on the driveway I decided to get some homework done before Eric and Alisha show up to drive us to Miles' cafe.

English homework is the first on my list. The school gave me an app that tells me my homework and my timetable, I'm obsessed with it.


The doorbell rings from downstairs whilst my brain is frying. That must be Alisha and Eric, I think to myself. I rush downstairs after grabbing my purse and phone (which was on charge).

I lock the door behind me before jumping into the back of his car.

"Hey," Eric smiles toward me.


Alisha won't shut up throughout the entire drive about how she can't wait for the senior year getaway trip. It's a yearly thing every senior goes on, seniors plan it but the school funds it. As long as it doesn't go over the budget.

It sounds like Alishas took it upon herself to sort it all out. Which I assume no one has gone against.

"So I've decided upon a holiday mansion. It's by the sea and only three hours away from here. It means we won't be able to afford a bus but if you want to go you'll find a way," Alisha rambles on.

Luckily, we arrive at Miles' coffee shop. I get out of the car and open Chrissy's door for her as well, she smiles over at me as she gets out. After locking the car, we head over to the cafe.

The bell rings as Alisha opens the door and struts into the building. I roll my eyes.

Miles smiles over towards us, "Hey guys. Weird seeing you again, Alisha."

"Cut the bullshit. What do you know about Chrissy getting blackmailed." Alisha snaps at Miles.

"Woah, Chrissy got blackmailed?" He asks, looking over at her in worry.

Not thinking my hand wraps around her waist protectively. Ever since I heard that she did get blackmailed I've been kicking myself. I'm such a dick, why didn't I believe her?

"Ugh, like you didn't know. Before Chrissy's car accident." Alisha pushes.

"Look there's only one thing I remember that happened before Chrissy's car accident and I'm not sure if she wants you guys to know," Miles tells us.

Chrissy bites her lip whilst thinking before saying, "You can tell them."

Miles sighs, "Look we were hanging out one day and your shirt came up a bit from where you reached over to grab something. There were loads of bruises there. I tried to ask you who did it. But you dipped, saying you could fix it."

"Do you know where she went?" I ask.

"No. But you came back a couple of days later and told me you'd already gone to the hospital for it. Then you made me promise not to mention it again," He responds.

Alisha shrugs, "If she went to the hospital they'll have records of it. She might have told them something she didn't tell Miles."

"Yeah but they're not going to allow a bunch of teenagers to check Chrissy's records," I reason.

"Then we do a break-in," Miles says with nonchalance.

"Chrissy, where do you find these people!" I huff.

"I mean we've broken into the school. What harm will it do?" Chrissy says.

I give up with these crackheads, "You were the one who said you never wanted to break into anywhere again."

"Oh come on Eric. I can steal my dad's work card, then we can sneak in. It's not that difficult." Alisha informs us.

"Your dad works in the hospital?" Chrissy asks.

"Yeah, he's a doctor." She replies, sweetly

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