Chapter 5

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That Eric guy just walked past. You know, the one who was rude to me in English.

Well, at least I now know I'm not the only one he's rude to. He just ignored his girlfriend!

She told him to go sit with her and her friends and he just walked past.

She is now sulking in her seat, her brown eyes darker, showing her despair. She's shouting after him, "come sit with me!"

I feel bad for her.

"Don't feel bad. Alisha's a bitch." Ella informs me.

"Also you and she had this rivalry going on. She'll probably do something horrible to you, but just act like it doesn't affect you." Ella carries on, "that always used to work. Well, until-" She cuts herself off by throwing her hand against her mouth.

"Until what?" I encourage.

"I'm sorry, Chrissy. But I'm not allowed to tell you. Your mum said you needed to get your memories back on your own. She said I shouldn't tell you anything too deep."

"Oh," I say, shocked.


The school day was tiring, that's for certain. The endless hours of lessons, even if some of the things I learn was interesting. But what made me groan when I got into my dad's car was the painstaking knowledge that I had to go again tomorrow.

"Ah, so you've had the full school experience huh?" My brother teases. Eyes alight, knowing what I've been through, the torture I've put up with.

I nod before placing my head against the semi-cold window.

"One sec." My brother tells me and my dad- who was about to start the car, "I'll be right back."

Then he steps out of the car and walks across the carpark and straight to Eric himself.

Eric rolls his eyes as my brother walks towards him. He stands next to a really fancy car I feel like the name of it's right on the tip of my tongue . . .

"Damn, that's a Lamborghini!" I say astonished that he could afford a car like that.

"Sure is." Says the low, masculine voice behind me.

The car door slambs shut bringing me out of a memory. Another memory, I want to squeal with joy. I want to tell my brother and my dad all about it. I want to rejoice in the knowledge that all is not lost.

But I can't because I promised I wouldn't, a promise I don't understand but I'll keep.

"I'm back." Luce states the obvious.

"I noticed." I deadpan.

Curiosity gets the better of me so I ask, "why where you talking to Eric."

The car breaks. My dad's head snaps towards me so fast I'm afraid it hurt him.

"Oh no." My brother mutters from the back.

"How do you know Eric?" My dad questions. Panic morphed into his face.

"I- I sit next to him in English." I inform him whilst stuttering. I'm panicking myself, what's the big deal?

"And you don't know him from anything else?" He quickly asked.

"No! Why are you acting so weird about this. Your acting like Ella." I exclaim.

My brothers expression changed into guilt and dad sighs, "Look just stay away from him. Trust me."

"Okay." I relent after a couple of moments of thinking it over, what's one more promise. "I promise not to talk to him."

He restarts the car, which has had a very impatient queue built up behind us. And he drives off home home.

I go back to starring out the window. I watch trees, houses, and people fly past while I stay the same. The unknown surrounds me and I hate it.

On the bright side, today was strange but at least I got another memory, it's comforting to know that I'm remembering, just slowly.

Once we've gotten home I jump out the car. I'm going to see Cookie.

I run up the stairs and straight to cookie whose sitting outside my room, waiting for me to return home.

I open the door and wait for her to scamper in before I go over to my desk. I grab my computer that I found a couple of days ago, even though I'm still not too sure how it works. After I've picked it up and tucked it under my arm I head to the bed where cookie lays, watching me and wanting fuss.

I sit down and stroke her belly whilst turning the computer on.

Her fur is so soft, it soothes me and I'm glad I was aloud to buy her all those years ago.

The computer makes a noise which makes me jump in fright until I realise it's just had an email sent to it.

"Homework tasks." I read aloud.

I manage to click the link and it makes my whole comouter change.

That's worrying. Is it meant to do that?

I carry on and read through the new screen which tells me what to do. And it says I can do it on paper.

Thats a relief.

I'll figure out computers a bit more another day.


Schools over for the day and as I head out of the front entrance I spot Chrissy getting into the car with Lucas.

He hadn't noticed me yet so I hurry over to my car, trying to be as quick as possible.

"Hey, wait." His voice is heard behind me.

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn around, standing next to my car.

"Sorry for stoppin gyou like this man. But, you must've heard. She's back and just-" he starts to say before I cut him off.

"Look I don't care. Chrissy. Whatever happened to her. Why she decided to ignore me and whatever happened, I don't care." I state.

"You know, I know your lying." He tells me then sighs, "Okay, just look out for  her, she doesn't remember much but when she gets her memories back she's going to need you. She'll go straight to you and when that happens just be there?"

I stay quiet.

"I trusted you once. Im just hoping I can do it again." He informs me.

Then he's off, walking back to his car. And she's in it.

Her, the girl that left.

The girl that had my heart.

The girl that disappeared without a trace.

Once I called her 'my girl'.

Now, she's a stranger. A stranger that I will never forgive.

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