Chapter 13

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Miles didn't go to my school, in fact, he was home from university for a couple of months because his mum was sick.

But he was going back in a month or two.

He gave me his number too. We agreed to meet up after my therapy lesson Wednesday. And either try to figure out who put the letter in her locker at school or why Nathan blackmailed her.

It seemed to Chrissy that both would lead to the same end. They would both help get her memories back, hopefully.

Her maths lesson flew by, then her history lesson, and by the time lunch came up she realized Daniel was still sitting with her and Ella. And most days that meant Eric sat with them too.

Eric seemed to have given up on the jocks, also known as his teammates. He never sat with them anymore, which was confusing because that meant sometimes he just didn't show up to lunch. I couldn't help but question where he went.

But today Eric was the only one sitting at the table. Her confusion was short-lived when she noticed her two friends in the lunch cue laughing together. She tried to change direction to them instead but it was too late.

Eric had already noticed her and she wasn't going to back out and make it seem she was scared of him.

So instead of sprinting away to the safety of her friends she went straight towards him and sat down opposite to where he was seating.

"We need to talk," Eric says. Turning off his phone and then giving her his undivided attention.

"About?" I ask with a huff, done with his attitude.

"I'm sorry." He sighs.

"What?" I exclaim, annoyed.

"Look I know how I've treated you was wrong and I have no excuse. I should've accepted the fact you didn't remember and moved on with my life, " he explains. "But I didn't and now I want to repent."

"You want to repent?" I ask.

He nods, without hesitation.

"And why should I allow you to repent?" I question him, still shocked by the outcome of this conversation.

"Because unlike me you're kind. Even if you've made mistakes. And also because I'm the only one willing to give you the truth and help you." He says.

"Miles is helping me," I informed him.

"Who is Miles," he asks, eyebrows furrowed at the new name.

"A guy I apparently knew before I lost my memories," I say nonchalantly.

"Wait, does a random guy come up to you in the street saying he knows you and you what? Just go along with it?" He mocks.

"No." I say in a duh voice, "I got a letter from someone randomly saying to go to an address. So I did and I met Miles."

"And you didn't even check who sent the letter!" Eric growls annoyed, "and I'm sorry random address. Jesus Christ, Chrissy."

"Well, it worked out okay so it's fine." I argue, "and how am I meant to find out who sent the letter?

"The school has security cameras." He sighs. "We break in after school and look through the security cameras, if it works out it means you can trust me."

I growl, "fine. But only because this isn't going to work out."


How she agreed so quickly to this deal I don't know. She's clueless about safety.

But either way, we meet each other in front of the locked school at midnight whilst it is pitch black.

"Ready?" I ask her.

All she does is nod before I drag her around behind the school's main part and then to the science room window. It's always left open without the teacher realizing it. I open it further and climb through before trying to help Chrissy through as well.

She smacks my hand away grumbling something about not needing my help.

We make our way through the hallways of the school until we get to the security room. Again it is left open. The school obviously doesn't think students are going to break in, break out maybe but not in.

We step in and I type in the password I got from Daniel. He is a great computer guy. He did ask questions but I didn't answer them.

"When did you get the letter?" I ask her

"Yesterday," she informed me. "It must've been later on in the day."

I go to the camera that views her locker. It's quite far away but when a person shows up on screen while everyone else is in lessons and slips a piece of paper in the locker we can clearly see who it was.


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