Chapter 8

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It took us almost two hours but we are finally ready for the party.
I decided to wear a white crop top with black skinny jeans. Ella's wearing a red dress that hugs her and looks amazing.

We pull up In front of Henry Jonson's house- the guy throwing the party.

"Are you ready?" Ella squeals.

No, "Yes." I lie.

There are so many people. Some are throwing up in the front lawn and bushes, some are drunkenly stumbling and leaving, and some are just arriving. Like us.

We're an hour late but it doesn't matter, we're only going to be here for a couple of hours anyway; just long enough to defy Eric. And now I think about it my dad too.

Ella's parents were surprisingly happy for us to go and party, plus they promised not to mention it to my dad. They said that I used to do it all the time anyway and my mum couldn't stop me back then so why should my dad try to now?

I hop out of the car and link arms with Ella before entering my first party.

The inside of the house is no calmer- if not more hectic- than the outside. People dance as music blasts. Others have kegs and are cheering people on. Others are just meandering about enjoying the partying lifestyle.

Red cups scatter the floor, liquid pooing out of some of them, causing a danger zone for those who are two drunk to notice; I make sure to side step it.
It's official: the partying lifestyle is not for me. 

I see the popular girl from school whose currently glaring over at me, I think her name is Alizeh? Maybe Alisha?
It definitely starts with an A.

She struts over towards me, her friends chasing after her.

"Stay away from Eric." she snaps towards me.

I flinch at her hurtful tone but the shock of confrontation doesn't stop me from arguing back, "Why don't you tell your boyfriend to stay away from me!"

"You don't get to question me, just do as I say." She instructs and then walks away, her friends again chasing after her.

Ella stands behind me, shocked Alisha came over to us. She shakes her head to snap out of it, "Do you want a drink?" She asks.

I think for a moment. "I would love one." I inform her walking over to the keg.

Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing, maybe I'd regret it afterwards but it didn't stop me from walking with pride towards them.

"Wait! What? Chrissy, come back." Ella exclaims, watching my ever move.

If I'm going to a party I might as well have the full experience, my brain is telling me.

"Can I try?" I ask the guy running it, Warren is his Name- he's in my maths class.

"Chrissy wants to try out the keg. Never thought I'd see the day. But yeah, go for it." He says.

"Who wants to challenge Chrissy?" He asks into the crowd, I gulp. I have to go against someone?

"I will." A voice says from the crowd. I'm too short to see who it is.

"Alright! Chrissy against Alisha. Who can last the longest?" He shuts, theatrically. Wow, he's enjoying this.

Okay it's just a hand stand. Can I even do a hand stand? I ask myself. This isn't going to end well.

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