Chapter 8. Scream!

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[xxx - mature content warning. Proceed with caution - explicit descriptions, mature language, possible triggers - dom/sub dynamics, edging.]

   "Lean on me, Puppy," Adam soothingly whispers in my ear, pulling my agonizing body to his broad, warm chest. "You need to blow off steam. Daddy is right here. You can hug me and relax."

   I press my cheek to his shoulder and roll my eyes. He won't like the audacity, but my face is hidden in this position, so I can afford to be a little naughty. There wouldn't be any steam to vent if he had allowed me to cum. My cock is throbbing. I feel subtle pain in my genitals. I hope this won't lead to blue balls. Tomorrow will be a busy day. The Commander-in-chief will surely call to request a briefing on the black capsule situation. I can't be distracted by my aching testicles. I try to calm myself down by assuming that Adam is experienced. He has never done it in reality, but the manual says all existing ways to achieve sexual satisfaction are included in his programming. It means he is the greatest possible expert in the field. I can only count on that. So far, he has completely proven it. 

   "Better?" he asks, drawing circles on my back with his fingertips. I almost confirm it out loud, but stop at the last moment and only show the 'ok' sign. He is cunning, but I am on guard, despite my flustered state. I don't want punishment right now. I just need an orgasm. Urgently.

   Adam takes something from the wicker basket, stuffed with cosmetic products, which is placed on the floor nearby, and commands, "Hold on to me tight. No biting. This might be a little cold at first. It'll get pretty hot soon enough. I promise."

   I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes a second before his lubed fingers trace a path from the scrotum, along the taint to my entrance. I unconsciously shudder. The damn lubricant is freezing in contrast to my burning skin. The difference in temperature raises goosebumps all over my body. Adam's warning is of no help at all. He definitely did this on purpose. 

   I have a much bigger problem though. There is no way to keep myself from moving my hips back in an attempt to press into his hand. I am already desperate for him to push in. It feels so good, and I want so much more. How do I handle this? I need something to help me release the tension or else I'll go off like a bomb. I am allowed to hug him. He also said it could be tight. I cling to him and squeeze as hard as I can.

    "Woah, easy Puppy," Adam laughs. "You don't want to leave bruises on Daddy's back, do you?"

   Actually, I do. I smirk, digging my fingers deeper into the smooth skin between his shoulder blades. If nothing else, I am quite curious to see if the bruises will still be there tomorrow night when I pull him out of his hole. I really hope he won't hide there, now that I couldn't resist and keep him away anymore. Maybe, he will finally stay with me during the day as well. I know that temporary identities are valid for twelve hours, but I am also sure he doesn't need me to choose them for him. I will be so happy if he stays...

   "Careful, Haru! Focus. Don't get distracted." Adam nuzzles my hair, interrupting my thoughts, and inhales deeply. "God, you smell so nice, of honey and flowers. My sweet, handsome boy. I'll pretend I didn't notice what you did, but only once. You'll be in trouble next time."

   I realize that I've started kissing his shoulder. It quickly takes me out of the daze. How does he manage to affect me so much? I am becoming reckless, both at work and with him. It scares me. I purse my lips in a thin line, concentrating on staying still. I won't fail to follow Daddy's orders again. I'll also be cautious not to scratch him. It is surely off limit. I already have a taste of how intense this is going to be. Overthinking will only make things worse. I will savor the moment and leave the analysis for later.

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