Chapter 11. Pinball

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   "Aurora, darling," I mutter gloomily, standing up from my chair. "Would you, please, transfer all power from the weapons to the emergency engine and recalculate the course. We need the shortest route to The Crowned Apple at maximum speed. Contact Starlight and set the meeting time. I don't feel like talking to Commander Chai now. Tell Starlight I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning. I'm sooo damn tired."

   "Yes, Captain," she responds lively as if it's just an ordinary day.

   "Babes, you can't imagine how deep is the shit we're in," I sigh, barely concealing my irritation. It must be great to exist without the ability to worry, clueless about how complicated life is. "You won't be so relaxed, if you had any idea."

   "Stop being dramatic, Haru," she giggles. "You are always like this when you're exhausted. Go get some sleep. I've got everything under control. You're only standing in my way by hanging around here and whining all the time."

   "Good night, my dear," I smile. Good girl. I love her so much. If the big-wigs think I'll leave her and run like a coward from a bunch of alien loafers, they are fucken wrong. 

   "Good night, Captain," she chimes cheerfully. "Say 'Hi' to Adam for me."

   I only shake my head with morose expression and drag my feet down the long corridor, leading to my garden. 

   Adam. My lover. He and Aurora are both considered machines, sophisticated, smart, human-like, but still artificially created, expendable devices, following programs without an intellect of their own. Not for me. I don't believe any of the other First Rank Commanders think that way either. Only someone who has spent hundreds of days and nights in the company of the ship alone, can understand the bond that forms between her and the captain. We are like siblings, a family, best friends. No one can change that. 

   I also doubt anyone fully knows what exactly The Universal Companion is, except maybe Brandon. I really need to talk to him. My head threatens to explode with all the unanswered questions that are growing more and more with each passing day. I need information as soon as possible. 

   And the black spheres decided to appear out of nowhere right now, when I thought we were getting somewhere with Adam. What if there is some kind of connection between the two events? It sounds absurd, but my travels across the galaxy have shown me that nothing is impossible and sometimes the truth is hidden behind the most implausible theory. What if they want it... them... him? I've never been so confused in my whole life. I am falling for a person who won't even tell me the correct pronounce to use. The most disturbing thought makes my heart drop in my stomach. What if I loose Adam before I even get to know them? I've never been afraid of anything, but this possibility terrifies me. I have to consider it. It fills me with fear and I am not used to the sensation, but I won't chase it away. I have to be ready for all the scenarios, mainly for those I want to avoid. Take precautions. Plan in advance. Be focused. That's what they taught us in the Academy. That's what I'm going to do.

   I don't like having no weapons. The shuttles are well equipped, but they are nothing, compared to Aurora's power. What a mess. I don't like Chai being involved in any of this either. He is my friend and the sweetest person. I know he is a true professional, very talented, smart and resolute when it comes to work, but also such a shy, nice and lovable guy. I will never forgive myself if he gets hurt.

   No! I'm leaving no one behind. I need a plan. Frustration and exhaustion won't help to figure it out. I must ease the tension and free my mind and I know exactly how to do it. 

   I enter the house with determination and strip to my boxers even as I walk down the hallway, leading to the low gravity chamber. It is a vast room, fully covered with white, upholstered, foam panels. I adjust the gravity control console, mounted on the outside of the door, at 0,15 g. It's barely enough to determine where is up and where is down. We have instructions to keep it always above 0.1654 g which is the gravity force on the Moon, to avoid injuries during exercise. The more you train, though, the better coordination you achieve, so I am pretty confident at lower levels.

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