Chapter 19. A Space Date

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   The second my tutors' holograms disappear, Adam's voice fills the room and the command bridge suddenly becomes a warm, cozy place. God, I love to hear it so much. A wide grin instantly brightens my face. I'd wear him on my wrist as a bracelet, so that I can carry my man everywhere with me. I still can't believe he is no longer hidden in his tiny chamber during the day. Even better, he seems willing to spend his time with me.

   "Hey, Puppy," Adam greets cheerfully. "Is everything okay on the front line? Aurora told me the big bosses had just left. I hope they didn't stress you out too much."

   "Mhm... Hey..." Why am I at a sudden loss of words and blushing like crazy? I look around as if there is anything in the cockpit that would help me act more normal. Nothing of the kind can be found, so I finally mumble, "I missed you, Daddy."

   "Haru, you're such a schmuck when you fancy someone," Aurora puffs like a deflating balloon. "It's a pity you can't see how hard I'm rolling my eyes. I tell you honestly, I wouldn't have gone anywhere with you if you were this badly whipped two years ago. You'll have us all abducted by aliens. Cool your jets for God's sake."

   "Cool my what?" I hiss. "Respect your captain, lady, or I'll deactivate your speech module. And what the hell is a schmuck? Who told you this word? It wasn't me for sure."

   Adam is laughing his head off and I really wish he was here. I'd gladly give him one of my glares. 

   "Misha expanded my vocabulary while everyone was waiting for you to crawl out of bed," Arora informs me proudly. "He said you deserved a little revenge for continuing to mess with his programs after he clearly asked you not to."

   "Both you and Admiral Orlov are schmucks," I scowl.

   "Do you want to tell him in person?" my audacious ship giggles.

   "Go count the spheres," I send her away. "That's an order. You heard what The Commander-in chief said."

   "Yes, Sir," she retorts cheekily. "Oh, and we don't wanna shock our extraterrestrial visitors, do we? Behave, kids! Byeee! Red-hot mama out."

   "I love her," I grumble. "But Orlov is going to pay for this."

   "I doubt it," Adam snorts through laughter. "Smile, baby, cause I'm coming over. You don't expect other VIPs from Earth, do you? What if the president also decides to check on you?"

   "Really? You're coming here?" I squeal. "I don't think they'll visit again anytime soon unless there is a drastic change in the situation. And the president is surely too busy to chastise poor Admiral Hwang. I'll make a quick call to Commander Chai and then there's nothing else for us to do but wait for the rounded bastards to reach a thousand in count, so that I can load the big, bad gun."

   "So we have time. Perfect," Adam says. "You missed dinner, and breakfast, so I cooked lunch. How about a date on the bridge? It'll be great. I've always wanted to see the view through the windshield."

   "You are spoiling me," I mutter. "A space date. Who would say no to that?"

   "Good boy," my man purrs approvingly. "I'll be with you in thirty minutes."

   "Don't get lost on the way," I tease him. "It's a big ship. There are many hallways. Follow the glowing green marking."

   "Don't worry," Aurora chimes in. "I'll keep an eye on mah boy."

   "How many?" I grunt, only because she has become really annoying and I want to remind her of her duties. The worst part is that, once Orlov has made the new settings, it will be hardly possible to reverse them. He is too good even for me. Not that it will stop me from trying.

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