Chapter 9. Code 1

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   "Captain! Wake up!"

   I stir in my sleep but keep my eyes closed. Maybe, I am just dreaming. Why would Aurora call in my personal quarters? She has never done it, not even once since we've been flying together. What could be so important? There is hardly a maneuver that she can't handle on her own to avoid a meteorite or any kind of debris we may have encountered. Damages or failure in equipment which would prevent her from navigating the preset course are practically impossible. There are only few reasons for her to do it and each of them is pure science fiction.

   "Captain! Your presence on the command bridge is required immediately. Wake up!"

   I hesitantly open one eye only. Did she just increase the volume almost twice? Her voice is still even, but it is piercing straight though my ear drums.

   "What got you, girl?" I grumble. "Have you gone insane? Turn the decibels down and stop yelling."

   I am finally fully awake and quite puzzled at first to find myself stark naked, sprawled across the bed with my legs tangled in the blanket. I always sleep with a shirt and boxers on and wrapped like a cocoon. It's too cold when your body is completely relaxed, so I never go to bed with no clothes on. Then the events of the previous night pop out into my sleepy mind. I dozed off in Adam's arms. The man radiates heat like a stove. I was tired, but tried to stay up as long as I could because it was heaven. Too bad I eventually gave in to exhaustion.

   He is gone now. It's only me in the big, messy bed. The bastard must have crawled back to his sanctuary. My mood instantly sours. What was I thinking? I hoped he would change his ways because we had sex. Well, technically we didn't exactly fuck, but it was still something. It was special for me, but obviously not so much for him.

   "Haru, get up!" Aurora's voice booms in the silent room. "Drag your lazy ass here this instant."

   "Watch your language, crazy woman," I frown. "I don't need all this drama. Report! What is happening?"  

   "Possible Code 1," she clearly announces and my eyes go so wide that I probably look like the lemurs of Madagascar. There must be some kind of a malfunction or glitch. This can't be true.

   "Repeat!" I choke out, jumping out of bed. 

   "Possible Code 1, Captain," she states and it is enough to send me running for the door.

   I am glued to the command bridge windshield in less than ten minutes, sweaty and panting. I might have set a world record in running. It usually takes nearly thirty minutes to cross the distance from my house to the other side of the ship at a normal walking speed. My jaw drops at the sight outside. They are more than a hundred, so close that I can take a good look at each of them with bare eye. God help us!

   "Aurora, get the admiral immediately," I whisper in utter shock and disbelief. "This conversation is classified as top secret, one on one, only me and him. Access denied to all third parties, no exception, including the President, The International Council and The Military Defense Board."

   "Connection established," she informs me in few seconds. "Security level zero, one on one."

   "Haru?" Admiral Mbabazi's sleepy voice brings me instant relief, despite the subtle notes of irritation in it. "Do you know what time it is in Uganda? Four in the morning. I just got home after a twenty-three hour flight from Los Angeles. You better have a really good reason to wake me up. Are you alright?"

   A muffled, questioning female voice can be heard nearby.

   "Sleep, darling. It's Haru," he mumbles soothingly. "I'll go to the kitchen to talk to him."

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