Chapter 17. Kyoho

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   My heavy eyelids won't raise despite my best efforts. The heat is almost unbearable. It is so warm that I am sweating profusely. It puzzles me at first. I am used to the cold air in the morning, if this can be called a morning at all. The sun is surely rising over Japan right now, so yeah, I'll call it an early morning, too damn early for me to wake up. It always takes me a while to work up some courage to lift the covers and run to the bathroom for a hot shower. Not today. I feel as if I have fallen asleep in an oven.

   "Captain! Come on, get up!" Aurora's voice is as energetic as ever, showing no particular emotion. It seems braking the rule not to disturb me in my bedroom is becoming a habit these days. I pretend I don't hear her. The danger alarms haven't gone off, so nothing too terrible is happening, and I really have no desire to move an inch away from the hot body, glued to mine in a tight embrace. She is persistent, though. "Haru, you lazy..."

   "Not again," I whine and finally manage to open one eye. "Is it Darth Vader this time? Because if it's not, you better..."

   "You can say that alright. Not only one at that, but as many as five... Oh my!" My cheeky ship squeals, paying no attention to my grumbling. "Hi Adam! So nice to meet you at last. Now I understand what Haru meant when he said 'big'. There's a lot to see down there, isn't it? I.AM.IMPRESSED!"

   "Shut up!" I screech, instantly turning bright red. "I didn't program anything like that in your speech control unit."

   "Auditory learning," Adam laughs out, pulling me closer with his arm wrapped around my waist. I sigh happily. It's heaven to wake up like this - strong thighs, pressed against mine, hard muscles and velvety skin under my cheek. His chest is vibrating, shaken by his amused chuckle. "Every computer has the function. You shouldn't be surprised, if you don't watch your language. Sooo, you talk a lot about me at work, huh?"

   "Shut up, both of you," I hiss in embarrassment. 

   "Aww," Adam keeps chortling. "Don't pout, Commander. I am glad you think about me all the time. I do it too, mostly about your handsome face and sweet personality, though..."

   "Really?" I raise my head and gaze into his eyes, letting the joke at my expense slip past my ears. "Even when there was no active protocol and you were in your chamber?"

   "It's complicated," he shrugs. "I don't really know how to explain..."

   "Cough! Cough!" Arora interrupts him. "Don't want to intrude, but I'm not here for no reason, ya know. Speaking about Darth Vader... Ugh... Code 1 on steroids."

   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I grumble. "Report clearly, girl. Use comprehensible language. I shouldn't have messed so much with your settings."

   "The blacks. They are more than before and keep coming," she states. I instantly sit up, groaning at the sharp pain both out and inside a certain part of my body. Aurora starts coughing deliberately again, pretending that awkwardness means anything to her. "Umm, you better get dressed this time, Captain. The whole Military Defense Board has gathered. There is a video link to the cockpit. They requested your presence urgently."

  "I'm in awe they didn't establish the connection directly to my quarters," I mutter, carefully sliding out of bed under Adam's apologetic stare. I wink at him, "Don't worry, Daddy. It was worth it. I'll survive a board meeting, although, the suffering it usually causes is much grater than a spanked, soar ass."

   He snorts through laughter and shakes his head, "I don't believe you, Haru."

   "I do," Aurora says. "I have seen it. They wanted to call you directly here by the way. The Commander-in-chief stopped them. He said they might... Cough!... interrupt something... and disturb your privacy."

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