Chapter twenty

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Shadow at work;

Angry Ummi walked out of the hospital with her eyes pooling with tears. Does it always hurt this way whenever someone you love hurts you? She wonders. She stopped the fastest public vehicle and hopped in. She didn't even wait for Ahmad's reply or defense. All that consumed her was her thoughts. She kept feeling unusual but didn't give a budge. The drive home wasn't serene as she kept letting out slashes. Ahmad kept calling her, which she declined and sent numerous messages to which she didn't even bother checking talk more than replying. When it was getting peskier, she switched off her phone and yelped in silence.

Ahmad's POV

I was seated in my office, just concluded the meeting with my first patient, and I was patiently waiting for Ummi. She should have called, or maybe she is still on her way. I waved off her thoughts and briskly went through the files on my desk when Farha suddenly entered. I turned to her with a sly smile while she returned a wide smile like she had seen something thrilling. "How are you, Ameer?" she asked while I nodded fine. I planned on telling her about Ummi, but I had thought to tell Ummi first. Maybe Farha wasn't over heels for me. She is just being overly friendly. I also thought. She seductively wandered around the office, talking about irrelevant stuff to get me into a conversation. It was eerie, but I didn't want to silence her because, in all honesty, I respect her, and I have enjoyed the little time I had to spend with her as a friend.

Suddenly she burst my bubble. "Ameer, I notice you have been avoiding me. What is it?" she asked, "hmm... To be honest, I don't want to hurt you, that's why I'm keeping off," I sternly said, ready to tell her about Ummi so maybe if she still has any feelings for me, she could fight it. "You aren't hurting me. I want you to talk to me, that's all!" she said with an intense stare, and her eyes were very emotional. I brushed the thoughts off and smiled. She unexpectedly moved very close to me. The aroma from her was appealing. I looked at her with an astonished expression "why are you getting closer to me?"
A voice within said, and my expression was questioning

"You know how much I love you, right? Since the day I met you, I have loved you, I have cared for you, I waited for you to come around. And when I realized you weren't making any moves despite being friends, we were pretty close, and we ate together, went out, and had conversations about random stuff. I thought it was my chance to tell you about my feelings, and probably, maybe, you would tell me you feel the same."I heard Farha reminisce about the past, and I was oddly found; why was she telling me all this?

With each narrative of how much she loves me and how I make her feel whenever I am close to her. "Your eyes, your aura, it makes my heart skip faster and flutter. Even when you rejected me, I felt broken. I was really sad, and I thought I would lose it. I thought that was the end of me. I even traveled to Dubai, hoping it would be therapeutic for me over there. Surprisingly those months I spent were even more lonely. I couldn't stop thinking about you, Ameer...." she let her words trail off. This time, she was facing me, standing opposite my seat. "I'm sorry. I couldn't find myself loving you...." I wasn't done when she bent over to where I was seated. Her top was a bit revealing, and her breasts were out. "Subhannallah, astaghfirullah!" I whispered in total silence.

"Why can't you love me? I'm beautiful, am I not? I have been your friend, we have worked together. I know you love smart girls, and I'm freaking smart! We have so much in common! So now I need a proper explanation. Why don't you love me, Ameer? Why?" At this point, she had tears gathered at the brisk of her eyes, ready to pool out at any time. I exhaled sharply and wished I could bluntly tell her, "you are too wayward, Farha. The fact that you are desperate is unhealthy for you and even your relationships with others. You are smart but brag too much. You are nice but very bossy. You act entitled, and you are spoiled. If you lack love yourself, then how sure are you? Can you give it to someone? You need to love and value yourself first. Maybe, just then, someone better than I will love you and treat you right." I wish I could tell her all these, but I feel like each word will pierce through her heart, and she might be unable to endure it.

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