Chapter twenty two (complete)

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Union of souls;

Umaima's POV
I received very pleasing news from Ummi. I didn't mind that I was still on call with her when I sprinted to Mom's room to relay the good news. "Momma, Samira's wedding has been fixed! And they will be leaving for London after their wedding!" I excitedly relay the good news to mom, who was beaming with smiles "Masha Allah. What good news! I'm so happy for Samira. Finally, Allah has blessed her with something better!" Momma responded happily, and I added, "Ummi's mom and Samira will come over for a proper invitation this weekend!" she nodded, indicating, "no problem."

I returned to my room and continued talking to Ummi about how the wedding plans were going. "It's in a month, so everything is moving fast. Dad has bought everything Samira would need for her new home, and it's been moved to London already. Saddam has gotten a house for them over there." Ummi narrated, and I bet she had this boundless feeling of love all over.

"Like seriously. I am so happy! But I will miss Samira. She won't be coming to Nigeria again, right?" I asked, feeling a bit sad "she will have to come often for visitations. If she doesn't come, don't be surprised the day I will call you to get ready. Let's go to London!" Ummi sarcastically said, and we let out a peal of laughter. "So now, Ummi, you are next in line...." I inquired, "in shaa Allah, that's if Ahmad and I come back, right?" Ummi declared, "Ahmad doesn't have a problem. You are delaying things with this gap you have fixed between you guys. Don't you think it is high time you call him back? I tried to sound reasonable

"True, it's the time! But I don't know how to do it. I have healed from everywhere and everything that hurts. Staying in my store alone has restored the joy in me. Realizing that I owe something is satisfactory. I love myself now, I love what I do, and I love who I am becoming. I can't be happier. Goal achieved!" Ummi articulated with a satisfied voice, "Alhamdulillah! I'm happy to hear you speak in this voice. It's been a while since you've sounded this cheerful. A tough phase, but you fought it. That's my girl!" I applauded, and she chuckled

"And about Ahmad,  I have missed him so much. I wish for nothing more than to stay with him forever. I need to! He is truly the one!" Ummi said loftily, "Now, do the right thing! Call him or send a text!" I advised while she nodded in affirmation before saying, "okay... Before I forget, what about your... What's his name? YUSUF?" Ummi asked, and my heart fluttered at the mention of his name. Yes, Yusuf is his name. I smiled at that—such a beautiful name for a handsome man. Truth be told, I have never seen an ugly yusuf.

"He is fine. I will tell him about the wedding and make sure he attends so we can have a formal introduction between you both. I swear you will love the aura attached to him. He is such a nice person." I assured them, "I can't wait then!" Ummi reacted with a pleasing tone, "did I tell you that Yusuf happens to know Kashim? And kashim confirmed that he was truly a nice person!" I told Ummi everything she needed to know about Yusuf, and the call lasted longer than usual, our numerous chit-chats.


Samira's POV

I was with my soon-to-be groom, and we talked about our wedding arrangements. "I have arranged for your documents to go to London. Everything will be ready before the 11th of this month" (the 11th of the month is the wedding celebration). Saddam notified me in a soft yet rich voice, "I can't believe this is happening. It seems so unreal and so fast!" I said with my eyes bringing out tears of joy.

"Allah destines everything. Even with the unforeseen delay and everything, Allah is making it possible to witness such a joyous day in our life. I can't wait for these few more days," Saddam said with a face full of happiness.

"Same here... Wait, did you invite Ahmad and his friend?" I curiously asked, "yes, I did. Is he still not back with Ummi?" Saddam asked, fixing his eyes at me with a serious expression "they are yet to be come back. Ummi is still adamant. That girl is something else. Well, surely, our wedding day will reunite four souls not two and then Ahmad told Daddy something... I think something will be up a day after our wedding! I'm not sure yet" I claimed positively, and I felt Saddam's eyes on me.'' Maybe an engagement? Well... On 11th and 12th will surely be days to remember forever," he said with a smile glittering on his face.

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