The Why

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The days after my first meeting with her royal highness seems airy to me. I resume my usual studies, getting engrossed in new subjects, meeting new people, and exchanging normal conversations around the university. This new person may have been a pleasure for me to meet, but Leonor's presence and her blue eyes still linger in my mind, looking forward to the next Wednesday.

And it came, I had chosen to wear something casual this time. Still, no one in school knows I'm exempted for some minor subjects for now as approved by the Headmaster, and the agreement that we have that no one should know yet kept me thinking about how things would go if everyone knew.

However, the secret ain't no bad of a secret, it's a secret I got to keep for my own. A secret I can keep for my own.

I arrived a few minutes, and as soon as I saw the same maid who helped us with the coffee last time pushing her trolley going to the same study room, I hurriedly walk behind her, asking if the princess is already inside.

"Si,ella ha estado esperando por unos minutos. (TL: Yes, she's been waiting for a few minutes.)

I shook my head in disappointment. "Dios mío, estoy tan muerto" (TL: My god, I'm so dead)

"Muchas gracias"

I signaled her that I'll be entering first, to which she cordially agreed with the rise of both her eyebrows. I silently open the door and step in, and preparing my apologies, looking around to find Princess Leonor sitting at the desk, writing some notes, unaware of my presence.

The sight of her had me stopping for a few seconds. I'm breathing, but I'm being knocked out by the image of her alone.

When I walk further I noticed her hair is down, her light golden hair flowering over her shoulder, shaping her face even lovelier.

She must have sensed a presence in the room, and looked up and smiled when she saw me. I instantly apologize for being late, which she dismissed.

"No, it's okay...It feels so good to be alone." She said, and hearing her say this I kind of looked around the room and realize she used to be alone before I came in, and those moments made her feel somehow at ease, just reminds me how difficult Royal life can be.

The maid entered the room, and Leonor cast her a slight smile and thoughtfully looked down at her notebook.

It was at this moment, I realize forgot to curtsy. I immediately stand up, which made her look up at me in confusion.

"Su Majestad," I said as I bow my head a little.

She let out a laugh of relief as she realize what I was doing.

"You didn't have to do that." She said. "I thought you were going to call me by my name by now?"

"It feels weird to say it," I admitted.

She somehow purse her lips, casting me an amused look, waiting for me to call her as she requested.


She smiled. "Thank you, Pipa."

She then resumed writing something in her notebook. "I've started a few ideas on the speech for the children's school, I thought it might be good to include the... Cómo le llamas a esto...inclusivity of disabled children within the school."

I agreed and talked about how to transition it in her speech, which we later complete in the next few minutes.

We were talking about how the university can make an impact by representing every kind of child out there when she suddenly mulled over the idea and looked at me for a few seconds.

Her Royal Highness, LeonorWhere stories live. Discover now