The Breakeven

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Zarzuela Palace
King Felipe's Study

The news came to Leonor like a big ocean wave that slowly drained her sands of emotions—upon hearing the details of this nearing change in her schedules.

She looks past her father, past the window overlooking Madrid, and tries to keep herself cool, nodding now and then, listening to the King explain how after her graduation from UWC this February—she is scheduled to enter and start her military education and training.

The details are clear to her - her father specifically intended to not have her attend or participate in her usual royal engagements aside from her yearly Princess of Asturias awards, as part of its intensive program. The military training will include her air force training in Murcia and navy training in Pontevedra. The king also highlights how it's going to be running for forty weeks or so, and may take up to two years in total, a mandatory part of her ceremonial declaration as the apparent heir to the throne.

While her father talks about his own experience on the training when he was younger, her mind drifted off to a corner and thought of Phillipa. The writer's image flashes before her mind's eye, and much to her growing discomfort at this news, her father later said that any personal meetings with her for the next few years will be only limited to the Royal family and the military base program.

"Sé que ha estado recibiendo ayuda con sus discursos y comunicación, y me temo que eso también se eliminará de su agenda permanentemente, por ahora" (TL: "I know that you have been receiving help with your speeches and communication, and I'm afraid that's also going to be taken out of your schedule permanently, for now.")

Her father later said, his hands still clenched together. "No necesitarás trabajar en tus discursos durante un año más o menos, por lo que sacarlo de tu agenda tendría sentido." (TL: "You won't be needing to work on your speeches for a year or so, so that taking it out from your planner would make sense.")

She stared at him for a few seconds, the possibility of not seeing Phillipa any longer on a weekly basis slowly breaks her inside.

She sighs. "But, I thought that this... military training can be done later, after I'm finished with my...degrees?"

"Lo sé, y lamento que haya sido demasiado pronto, pero tiene mucho sentido. Acabas de cumplir dieciocho años, y como parte de la tradición, tendremos que trabajar rápidamente para que jures lealtad a la monarquía, al ejército español como su próximo comandante y a España" (TL: "I know, and I'm sorry that it was too early, but it makes perfect sense. You've just turned eighteen, and as part of the tradition, we will need to work quickly on having you swear your allegiance to the monarchy, to the Spanish military as their next commander officer, and to Spain.)

Felipe straightened his shoulders and placed his hands on the table, still clenched. She can read from her father's expression a silent apology, his eyes seeking understanding.

"Sé que hemos hablado de esto antes, pero no puedo evitar estar de alguna manera emocionado por esto: has crecido tan rápido, tú y tu hermana, el tiempo pasa volando tan rápido, y nunca anticipé cómo no querría que llegara este día, para enviarte lejos para que comiences a abrazar tu vida como la futura reina de este país".

(TL: "I know we have talked about this before, but I can't help myself but be somehow emotional about this - you've grown so fast, you and your sister - time flies by so fast, and I never anticipated how I wouldn't want this day to come, to send you away to get you started on embracing your life as this country's future queen.")

Her Royal Highness, LeonorWhere stories live. Discover now