Ain't No Fairytale

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Universidad De Oviedo

The day of the play got all of us in the theater team spiraling with mixed anticipation, nervousness, a bit of anxiety, and excitement for what the afternoon has stored for us throughout the duration of the play.

In the past couple of days, the theater team and I worked closely together to work on the acts, making sure that we've harnessed everything we can to give justice to the story of Odette, the swan princess. Having said this, the headmaster has excused most of us from our minor subjects to focus on the play, and though I am not a fan of getting excused from subjects, I think it's a pretty reasonable thing to do given that the play is the most anticipated activity of the theater team every year.

On the morning of the play, Salome decided to push for a clean run of the play, so we need to be earlier than we are expected to arrive at the theater room. Josie was waiting for me at the entrance when I arrive, and the way she got used to it, she linked her arms with me and entered the room with me. Inside, the other cast is unpacking their things, some trying to fit on the costumes already.

Josie was just about to do the same when Salome entered later on with the headmaster, Senior Gallantes, and I was not expecting to see him at this time in school this early, but I figured, he must also be busy making sure that school is in attendance for the play.
But what he was about to announce a few minutes into his entrance got me wide awake.

"Tuvimos un invitado sorpresa, una presencia especial que nos acaban de informar que estará viendo la obra, en representación de la invitación del Instituto de Arte y Teatro de Oviedo.":(TL: We had a surprise guest, a special presence we've just been informed that will be watching the play, on behalf of the invitation of the institute of Art and Theater of Oviedo.)
Senior Gallantes proudly beams saying this, and my heart skips a beat when I hear his next few words. "Esperamos que Su Alteza Real, la Princesa Leonor, sea la invitada principal de nuestra obra la próxima tarde". (TL: "We'll be expecting Her Royal Highness, Princess Leonor to be our play's main guest this coming afternoon.")

A collective gasp was heard from most of the cast, and all of them turned to each other in excitement and gladness, suddenly then filled with nervousness about getting the play right. Josie turned to me reacting just the same, and I tried to feign my surprise by smiling, but deep inside my heart is already trembling in anticipation, acknowledging that the Princess will be here, in a couple of hours, and we'll be meeting again after a month.

This news got me to excuse myself for a quick bathroom break, but I never fully used the bathroom, rather I just used it to get some time alone. Reassessing what I'm feeling about this announcement I suddenly got flashbacks of the past couple of months I'd get to share with the Princess, and my mind wandered to certain things I want to know about her time back in Wales. Like, why she was back early in Madrid, how was the travel, and was able to get on her schedule.

Or if I ever crossed her mind all throughout this.

I sigh.
Then, the image of that afternoon with me being pushed into the crowd came back to me, and the gnawing reality also came back. I touch a hand to my forehead and as if doing so reminded myself that it is what it is - the princess may be here later, but I need to help the team by focusing on the play.

I ran another hand on my face, and with this thinking, I returned back to the theater room.

Oviedo University


The car pulled up in front of the university, and Aurelia, beside her, turn to her from her seat and asked if she was ready to get out. Leonor smiled to the secretary and taking that as an indication, she watched as Aurelia excused herself and exited the car, giving instructions to the guards outside. They usually have to form some sort of a block between her and the passersby to make sure she was within a safe distance.

She watches as the guards talk to each other in their suits, and she calmly waited. She took a quick peek at the University, and her mind went straight to Philippa, who she was hoping she could meet later in this visit.

Her heart starts beating irregularly at the thought, imagining what she would be like meeting the writer once again after not seeing her for a few weeks, offering her apology for such a sudden departure. At this notion, she docked her head, trying to breathe in the anticipation.

Her Royal Highness, LeonorWhere stories live. Discover now