A Presence Missed

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Two weeks passed quickly, and I still have not received any new news from Leonor. Things were going quickly with my school subjects, some of them toning down with the assignments, given that it's near approaching the busiest month of the year, the holidays. 

Writing and helping with the play got me occupied, and at the back of my mind, I am somehow thankful that the headmaster has assigned me to do something - there are times that I have my mind off my "royal duty" to the princess and had view the times I spent on school differently than I did in those weeks I shared them here and then to the palace and back and forth to the dormitory.

Only when I hit the sack every day's end that I look back and remember the times I've shared with the Princess. They mostly keep me at night, at times they were the reason I fell asleep, getting lulled by the images of the past weeks in her presence and wondering if I ever crossed her mind now and then like I did. 

Most of the time I'll find myself grimacing at how my thoughts usually go, thinking it's not possible, the reality of everything between me and the princess keeps waking me up even when I'm not asleep.

During the play's rehearsals, Josie's presence has shined on me amongst many on the play, though I cannot help it - everyone can't, given she's the play's main spotlight, align with Cameron, who spends most of his time off rehearsals getting approached and re-approaching girls in the university, which I think is just his nature. Anyone who looks that good can't remain unrecognized in the school hall, at least for most of the girls - with few exceptions of those like me.

The rehearsals were going smoothly, with the headmaster sometimes sitting in for a few minutes viewing, which got us slightly panicking, thinking there might be more that we need to improve. But the headmaster's nodding now and then during practice gave us an assurance that we are on a right track.

On Wednesday, the third week going, the headmaster has been out of the school, which gave us a little time to breathe in between expectations on perfecting the play. Or at least I personally - I don't have to hurry over finishing my subjects before going to rehearsals as I did in the past few weeks, thinking he'll be there. I was calmly waiting for our professor in Social Studies to dismiss us and when he did, I kind of stayed in the classroom for a few minutes, just giving myself time to regroup.

When I walked outside, I was surprised to see Josie waiting for me there, looking downright aesthetic with this plaid white pants and teal sweatshirt. I asked her if she was waiting for someone from my class.

"Silly you, yo estoy esperando para ti." She said, giving me that smile that usually send most freshman and senior students breathless. (TL: Silly you, I'm waiting for you.")

I warily smiled back. "¿En realidad? Podemos encontrarnos en el ensayo justo después de mi clase" (TL: "Really? We can meet on the rehearsal right after my class.")

She walked and caught my arm linked to her. "¿Y entonces? No quiero perderme un poco de tiempo de "Philippa" She joked, and despite the uneasiness, I felt towards the gesture, I just kind of got going with it. (TL: And so? I don't want to miss a little "Philippa" time myself.")

Josie spent the rest of the rehearsal playing the character and breaking off character and turning to me if I did well, asking Salome's opinion second, mostly first to me. In between saying her lines, I noticed her looking back at me and sharing a smile, which after having to share with her three Wednesdays and a few more days, got me thinking it's just the way she is.

There are times when Salome is asking us to get into a circle as a way to get focus onset rehearsals, she always finds the chance to sit next to me, and if she's not linking her arms with mine the way she does when we're walking the hallway, she lays her head on my shoulder - which reminded me of Leonor the first time back. My mind drifted on that memory, and only when Josie withdraws back and smiles at me that I take my thoughts off to that night in the park.

Her Royal Highness, LeonorWhere stories live. Discover now