A Traditional Threat

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Real Life Fairytale: Prince Felix of Denmark Courts The Princess of Asturias?

A page of newspaper folds.

Brewing Royal Romance Over Lunch: Spain and Denmark's Perfect Pair

A flash of camera hovers.

A Royal Lunch: Prince Felix of Denmark to become Princess Leonor's potential King?

These words from the headline of the newspapers play into my mind entering the University, and for a few minutes going inside, I didn't pay much attention to who I'm running into the hallway - thank God, there's no one that wants to stop me for a quick talk, as I am not up for any at the moment.

No, I didn't buy any of the newspapers talking about the same thing about the princess, but I get the picture. Upon remembering this, the images of the Princess and Count of Monpezat, the Prince of Denmark, Felix, spotted walking side by side exiting a restaurant here in Madrid flashed back in my mind.

And for no good reason, I felt as if I just got thrown a big rock right into my face telling me to wake up.

I tried to disengage myself from sitting in this uncomfortable feeling and went straight to the library and settled in one of the available computers there. My class is in half an hour so I guess I can stick around here.

Yet upon opening the Edge browser in the computer I picked, an online article from El Pais about the Princess and the Prince flashed on my screen, showing a picture of the two-spotted smiling over during lunch, and from the way the picture was taken, it looks like the paparazzi's has been taking candid pictures of the pair from outside the restaurant.

Despite the fighting urge to ignore it, I found myself clicking on it, and browsing through more pictures of the two.

Leonor with Felix of Denmark: Has our Princess found his Prince?

Another picture shows a close-up of the Prince, Felix, donning his simple light blue long-sleeve paired with a light red tweed jacket. The Prince looks dashingly handsome, his light brown hair sleek and short, like a real-life Disney prince, his eyes blue and soft. I remembered how the girls earlier outside the school giggled looking through the papers and looking at him right now on a longer scale, with him looking like a younger Leonardo Di Caprio - their reaction pretty much makes sense.

I clicked on another picture and beside him is Leonor, in her casual white shirt and maroon slacks, her eyes looking down. I could tell that by that gesture alone I know the Princess is avoiding looking directly at the cameras around, knowing they were being photographed. To the world, it may seem that she's looking normal, but remembering how she acts when she's shy, I can tell this is one of her shy moments.

I clicked on more pictures and saw that the two are accompanied by their parents - Leonor with the Queen, Letizia, and Infanta Sofia, and Prince Felix with his father, Prince Joachim. The article doesn't explain the missing presence of the King, Felipe VI.

I briefly scan through the article, and it says that Prince Felix has recently visited Spain with his father, Prince Joachim, though the reason for the visit is not clearly indicated. It was assumed that it is an unofficial visit, though the growing speculations made it apparent that the young Prince may have his heart set on courting the Princess, and with the presence of the Queen and the older Prince Joachim, it may be a good sign that the two countries may begin a steady relationship if the two eventually hit it off ending in a traditional yet modern-day Royal marriage.

Her Royal Highness, LeonorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz