Part 3: Arrival

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I cried when I said goodbye to the Lawson Traveling Show. I hugged Brielle and Kade, thanking them for their kindness. Brielle wiped tears of her own from her eyes.

"Oh Carmyn, we will miss you - good luck, and if you ever see us in town, please visit." She sniffled. I smiled.

"When I'm a famous artist I'll give you a pretty new wagon, how's that?" I said, grinning through the tears. I turned on my heel and left the show, satisfied with the weeks of memories, the friendly people who were so kind to someone like me. So nice to someone who is unused to kindness.

I didn't want to dwell on my feelings for too long, so I turned on my heel and wandered through Icotan. Icotan is an unusual city - it is split in three islands, Poor, Wealthy and Royal. Poor is connected to Wealthy by the Bridge of Desperation and Wealthy is connected to Royal with the Bridge of Desire. Each island is divided into districts. It was the Fake district in Poor where I departed from the show. I looked around in awe, as I had never seen so many people in my life. Elves, Magicians and Humans walked together, something unreplicated in Invidia Hall. The memory of the place stung me, but not as badly as I thought. I had been having twisted dreams about what had happened my last day at Invidia Hall, but I had been coping by drawing what I saw. It hurt to draw Wynter's beautiful face, mangled with terror. But it helped, a lot more than I thought it would.

I must have been a sight to see. I look human but with the beauty of an Elf. My mother was from Trona, my Father from Acosea. My Mother grew up in Fake, where I was walking. It felt weird to walk where my Mother once walked, to tread where she trod. I was glad when I finally left and wandered into the narrow, shadowy alleyways of Forever. Tall, ghastly grey buildings stood high above the streets. I kept to the sides so that the filth being spilt from the windows would not land on me. I am vain enough that I would not want the pretty clothes Brielle and Kade gave me to get ruined.

I eventually reached what I assumed to be the Unroyal Markets. The Unroyal Markets are across the river from the Royal Markets. They fund the poor of the city, and are the only place in Icotan where you can find certain narcotic substances. It lay on the opposite side of the river to mock the royals and nobles - just a reminder that they are not powerful. I bobbed my way through heavy stalls and crowds of people, passing everyone from poor young mothers with two babies to disguised nobles looking for a certain drug they couldn't find anywhere else. The road was lined with stalls and stalls, all selling something unique. My eyes widened when I saw a stall with caged animals, including a monkey.

As I saunter around the market, I feel overwhelmed. I duck into a doorway and open my book, looking over the drawing I did of Wynter and me. I drew it in the wagon right before we reached Icotan. In it we are hugging and smiling at each other, happy. It felt so far away from the dream I had.

I went back to walking around the market. I followed twist after twist after turn, and before long I was lost. I ended up in a side alley, far away from the crowd on the Main Street. Something about here felt wrong - sleazy and dangerous, almost. My feelings were confirmed as I was pulled and pressed against a large figure, a rusty blade pointed at my throat.

"Well, well, well. Do we have a newcomer here?" Mumbled a harsh voice in my ear. I shuddered. "A half breed, I'm guessing? Pretty half breed. Not quite as ugly as a human, but neither quite as pretty as an Elf, are you? Just know, you're not welcome here." The voice continued.

"I have no possessions." I stuttered, shaken. The thief smirked and pulled the book from my hand, flipping it open. The knife remained at my throat still as they held the book up.

"Pretty art. Shame if something happened to it." They crooned. "I'll take the book, and let you go? M'kay, sweetie." They finished, pushing me away. I nodded and turned, trembling as they disappeared into the darkness, with my book. I decide then and there to leave the Unroyal Market, and go somewhere - anywhere. I was a thousand times more alert as I pushed my way through the crowd, not caring particularly where I was going. People shot me dirty glances as I nudged past them. Eventually I reached a bridge. The Bridge of Desperation, I assume. It was very plain, stone and cold. Across it people from all walks of life travelled, everyone from scantily clad beggars to finely dressed noblemen. It was here where I myself walked, into the Hope district. It was a stark district, going from the Forever district to the Hope district. Forever was characterised by tall buildings and narrow streets, poverty abundant and wealth little. Hope was perfectly middle class. Stone homes lined the clean streets, all with pretty gardens and pretty children playing. I stopped when I found a bar. It was the bar I went into, drawing the stares of multiple patrons. I collapsed on a stool at the counter, and fished through my pockets for a coin to pay for a drink. The bartender came to me.

"What can I get ya, sweetheart?" He grinned, his accent all lower class.

"Mead, small serving." I replied, thinking to conserve my money. I handed over a coin as the mead arrived. I sat at the counter and sipped, savouring the strange taste of the liquor.

A little while later, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned and saw a young woman staring at me. She was pretty but plain, her hair mouse brown and her eyes clear blue.

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