Part 6: Lady in Waiting

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I shifted on my feet as I paced in the hallway, sneaking glances at the doorway beyond. I did not know what would come of this encounter, or why I was chosen for this. I am merely and unqualified servant girl, human and elf hybrid basically. And yet there I stood, about to become a Lady In Waiting to Princess Ilaria herself. The door opened and I turned, dropping into a deep curtsey. I wore the dress Colette and Yvaine had bought me, the one I had worn in the Royal Gardens the day we ran into Lady Fiorella and Baron Overton.

"Are you Carmyn Laurier?" Asked an imperious voice. I looked up and stared in shock. I was standing in front of the queen, I had just been addressed by the queen, the queen knew who I was!

"Yes, Your Majesty." I said, Hoping to come off as calm and collected. Queen Lauretta inspected me as if I were no more than a jittering colt. She walked off into the room, turning only to beckon to me. I followed, keeping my head level and posture poised. I knew I must look pathetic with my hands all shaky, so I squeezed them together in front of me until they numbed.

I entered the room, glancing at everything once before my eyes returned to the ground.

"Look up, Miss Laurier." Asked a gracious female voice, one that would sound beautiful if not for the poison that oozed from the sound.

"Leave it, Otti." Chided another voice, this one older and sterner. I exhaled slightly, grateful that the first voice, Princess Ottilie, was not going to be my mistress. The second voice continued, tone light and breezy as opposed to the sternness shown when talking to her sister.

"Hello, Miss Laurier." I instinctively looked up and met the speaker's eyes. She was pretty, beautiful even. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a neat bun, and her golden skin glowed, perfectly offsetting her plump lips. Eyes of hazel observed me through long lashes, eyes that perfectly matched her dark green gown. Princess Illi.

"Good - good afternoon, Princess Illi." I stammered, pulling my eyes away from her gaze for the third time in this conversation. I was all too aware of the plainness of my dress compared to the queen and the princesses' finery. The queen spoke again, ushering myself and Ilaria into an elegant sitting room. She paused, and turned back to us, jabbing a finger across the room where we had been standing before. I saw that there was an intricately carved golden door.

"Ottilie is over there, if you need help from her maid Fausta. Your quarters remain in the servants' wing, although you must come up here from breakfast to supper, or whenever Princess Ilaria requests your presence." Queen Lauretta finished. I bowed my head as Ilaria turned to me and smiled, sincere and a little bit shy.

"Welcome. Glad to make your acquaintance - will you help me pick out a dress?"

Two hours later, myself and Ilaria had practically become best friends. She had asked me to call her Illi , and I obliged. I was styling her hair when someone knocked on the door. I heard the guards mutter and open it, before one stuck their head in to talk to Illi .

"Your Highness, Darius is here. Are you ready to meet him?"

"I am, but Carmyn isn't. Tell Darius I'll be a little while longer." Illi smiled at the guard, who nodded briskly and left once again. Illi then turned around and fixed her eyes on me. She stood up and pushed me into her wardrobe, rifling through all of the dresses.

"You're about the same size as me, so it shouldn't be too much of a trouble finding the perfect dress." She muttered. I shook my head as I took in all of the finery. Illi paused, and I turned to see what she was looking at. She was holding a gauzy blue dress, thick enough that I wouldn't get cold but thin enough that it would hug my curves. It was simple enough for a maid, but still the finest garment I would've ever worn.

To Run and HideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora