To Stay and Fight Teaser

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I laughed loudly, the arm Darius had placed around me tightening as he laughed too. Colette just grinned wolfishly, proudly displaying her drawing for all to see. It was a caricature of Baron Alec behind bars. Even Fiorella laughed, the shadow of the events these past months now erased. She was arm in arm with Winifreda, her new lover. I smiled, happy for my friend. They were good together.

I turned to my own lover. We hadn't spoken about what would happen if the King went through with Darius's betrothal to Princess Ophera. I knew he was hanging on to hope, praying that he could be with me. I also had enough sense to know that, however much I adored and cherished the crown prince with all my heart, there was a chance we wouldn't have our happily ever after.

Amias drifted over with Colette.

"Carmyn, dear," Amias said, his tone theatrical, eyes containing barely concealed laughter, "I'd like to commission a portrait."

"Please no," I giggled. "I don't think I could stomach having to stand in front of the canvas for hours with your face staring back."

At my words the whole party erupted in cries and shrieks of laughter. Amias himself was bent over, his eyes watering. I smiled, basking in the joy and elation of my new home. Of my found family.

"Where's Yvaine?" I asked my friends, gathered in a crowd around myself and Darius. It was Sanders who answered.

"She's in her chambers. Yvaine will be with us soon, though."

"I'm going to check on her."

"I wouldn't-"

I left the room before Sanders could object. 

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