Part 12: Exposure

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King Bryant frowned as Ilaria crossed the space of the throne room, Darius by her side. The court had gone silent as they entered the throne room, Darius covered in blood and muck and Ilaria still in her day clothes. Behind them, Amias and Sanders emerged from the doorway, lugging Baron Overton along with them. King Bryant's expression turned to something of astonishment. He fixed his eyes on his oldest daughter, and cleared his throat.

"I hope, Ilaria, that whatever you did tonight was worth our time." The King gestured to the court, one eyebrow cocked. Ilaria straightened her back and looked him dead in the eye. Even from where I was standing, by the doorway within the depths of the crowd, I could still see the anger that burned there.

"Baron Alec Overton was discovered to be planning an assasination attempt on the Princess Ophera of Anbuver. Myself and my acquaintances found the receipts and prevented the poison shipment before it was too late. We now leave Alec Overton at your disposal, for a fitting punishment to be given to him."

Sharp, legal words. I noted how she didn't mention Fiorella, and wondered if it had something to do with the whispered words she had exchanged with Winifreda minutes ago.

King Bryant frowned once again, and turned to his court, before fixing his eyes on his heir. His son. Darius.

"I find myself in a tough position here. Nevertheless, Alec Overton shall be tried within the week. Until then, he may stay in his palace chambers, although he mustn't leave and nor can any of his items, including things which may contain correspondence."

An hour later I was in the garden with Darius. We were in a shaded corner of the public garden, surrounded by hedges and apple trees, with roses of crimson red blooming everywhere. I sat on the rim of an elegant fountain, eyes fixed on the lilies bobbing across the water. Darius cleared his throat, and I looked up, brows raised. He sighed and collapsed on the edge of the fountain next to me. He stared into my gaze and I stared back, eyes lost within the depths of his green-blue eyes.

"I love you, Carmyn. I know I am betrothed and I haven't known you for long, but from the moment I set eyes on you- I fell in love. I fell into a pit of no return after our first conversation, after our first laugh together. I love you, in the kind of way that is unbreaking. The love I feel for you spans across stars and skies, over fields and valleys. Know that, whatever happens, I will never stop loving you, from now until the day I die and beyond that." Darius took a deep breath, his eyes still on mine.

A small smile graced my mouth, and I spoke my reply.

"I love you, too, Darius." The words felt so right, so perfect. He barked a laugh, and before I could think his lips were on mine. I leaned into the embrace and the perfect warmth of him. Nothing had ever felt more perfect, more beautiful and natural.

Nothing had ever felt more like home. 

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