Part 10: Painting

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The next day I awoke bright and early, feeling happier than usual. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my chest, leaving space and room to breathe. Sure, Wynter was still suffering with Lord Anwir, but for the first time in my life I looked forward to the future. There was no uncertainty to my place in life, and the bright stars which seemed to guide me now. I knew then, with great confidence, that everything would work out for the better in the end.

I helped Ilaria to dress before dressing myself. Spring had arrived, and the roses of the gardens were in full bloom. If I thought they looked beautiful in winter, I had no idea what to anticipate now that spring was here. Ilaria's outfit reflected the new season. Her gauzy gown was light grey, embroidered with flowers of all colours. It was beautiful. My own outfit looked similar, although to less of the extent which she was going for. It was orange, with slightly puffed sleeves descended into a slim fit. Red flowers looped around the bottom of the skirt, just brushing the floor.

Myself and the Princess finally left, making our way to the garden. Family time, Queen Lauretta called it. When the royal family sat together in the garden, in full view of their court, and decided to act like the rest of their citizens. I shifted on my feet nervously. After hearing Darius's story last night, I was anxious to see King Bryant again with such a different perspective on him.

We burst through the doors into the 'private' garden of the royal family. Balconies jutted out from the tower we had just emerged from, all packed with nobles fanning themselves and sipping tea. All looking for an excuse to observe the royals who ruled them.

Darius came up to me and his sister. He gave me a warm smile as I curtseyed, then bowed deeply to his sister.

"There are canvases, books, instruments and food here. Please, help yourself." We both smiled our thanks. Ilaria went right to talk to Ottilie, and I drifted off to look at the surroundings. We were nestled within a blooming rose garden, the hedges high enough to allow us the illusion of privacy. My eyes were drawn to the canvases littering the lawn, as well as the box of books and the fresh pots of ink and the paints and so many things I couldn't pull my eyes away.

"These are open to you to use, you know," Darius said from behind me. I jumped. "Do you paint? Write, maybe?"

"I used to paint,"

"Maybe you should try again."

I looked from the hand he extended to his face, suddenly aware of everyone watching. I pulled my shoulders back and took his hand, curtseying before he led me to one of the canvases. A moment later there was paint next to me, before he wandered off to talk to Ottilie. Ilaria was now playing chess with the king, and the queen was writing in a small book. I allowed myself to focus, to observe the scenery and the colours playing around me. I breathed as I pressed a brush to the canvas, slowly adding colour after colour in a burst of colours. Eventually the individual colours began to become shapes, and soon enough, they closely resembled the scene I was observing. There was the queen writing, Ilaria on what must've been her hundredth round of chess, and Darius and Ottilie fencing on the lawn. I squinted as I perfected everyone's facial expressions, from the creases of concentration of Ottilie's forehead to the dreamy smile on Queen Lauretta's face as she studied her paper. Just when I was finishing up the roses, leaning forward and adding black for shadows, a feathery voice said from behind me:

"Not bad, for a servant girl, of course."

I turned from my canvas and dipped into a deep curtsey as I beheld Princess Ottilie. The youngest of the Astor family, she had never bothered to say more than a few words to me at a time. I was astonished to see her admiring my work, her eye level and curiosity sparking deep in her dark irises.

"Where did you learn?"

"I was self taught, your Majesty."


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