Part 7: The Letter

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The next day, myself, Illi, Colette, Winifreda and Yvaine chose to indulge in our latest hobby. Walking through the gardens, all day every day. I myself found it to be no trouble at all, as I an found of walking through gardens. We passed through gilded halls and perfect rooms, making our way to the public garden. We rarely ever used the private gardens, as Illi deemed it necessary to connect with her people through talking with them. SOmetimes Darius would join us, and he too would talk to his eventual subjects. We never talked about what happened on the roof, and for that I am grateful. I believed that I would just blush up again if even a word was ever said about it.

We continued to cross through hallways and balconies, looking for all the world like a finely dressed group of ladies out for a stroll. Which we were, I suppose. I never thought I would see myself in this position, as a fine lady instead of some peasant girl. we passed right by Baron Overotn's study on our strolls, but halted as we heard shouting coming from inside. We stopped outside the door, leaning to the sides so that our skirts couldn't be seen from underneath the door. Baron Overton was yelling at Fiorella; I leaned closer so I could heat better. Whatever he was saying was truly horrible, by the way Fiorella was sobbing. For4 the. First time I felt a shred of empathy for the obnoxious brat, a strange occurrence.

"Fiorella! I must say, your progress with the prince is very slow. I thought you would be married with that Ophera dead by now!" Baron Overton yelled through the door. The ladies and Winifreda cupped their hands over their mouths in shock. I looked up at them, expecting them to explain it all to me. I had no idea who this Princess Ophera was, as we were not taught this in school in Vrinas. Thankfully, Ilaria must've seen my confusion. She came to the rescue, with a little smile on her face.

"Ophera is Darius's betrothed. All the royal children are betrothed to foreign royals this time." She whispered, although I saw a hint of forlornness on her face. I remembered her words on the roof, and how she seemed excited when she saw the intimate moment between myself and Darius.

"I'm sorry, Illi." I whispered back, my words full of meaning. I was constricted by so many things, but an arranged marriage was never one of them, and for that I find myself being infinitely grateful. Lord Anwir did try to marry me off when I was 16, but no one would take me. He saw it as a personal insult, and I saw it as a chance to carve out a proper life for myself. Thank god for that too.

The girls were already walking off by the time I heard the real information. I leaned in closer to the door, listening to what Baron Overton had to say.

"We need to enact the final stages of our plane - can't you see!" The baron yelled angrily. Colette walked back to me and tugged my arm gently, bidding for me to follow them. I did so, and I kept pace behind them. For the rest of the day my eyes would wander off to the direction of the study, as I wondered exactly what was being kept in there.

That night I had horrible nightmares. I was in a strange chamber, its ceilings wrought from the finest gold. I stood in the centre of the room, and before me Wynter clutched a little girl, one with red hair and defiant eyes. The future, my subconscious thought. A future where Wynter has had her child. The girl stared at someone behind me, and I turned. In the doorway stood Lord Anwir, his figure as wicked as I had remembered. His face grew and twisted, until he became someone utterly unrecognisable. I shuddered and turned away from him, tears dripping down my face. I stared into the face of Wynter's daughter, young, vibrant and youthful. So full of life, so full of love, so full of hate, for both me and the man who had married her Mother. The girl's face twisted and turned, until it became my own. I watched in horror as Anwir ran forward and stabbed her, or me I guess, and head fell to the ground.

I woke up in a panic. I was in my room, a small one in the royal wing, close to Ilaria's room but not so close that we would bother each other. My heavy pants of fear filled the air, and I peeled myself off the sweaty sheets. I stood and walked over to the window, lifting it to let the air in. This room was too suffocating to me. My thoughts drifted back to where they had been all day, to Baron Overton and his despicable plans. I needed to go and find out what was really happening, for myself. Not just as a distraction - for real this time.

I crept out of my room, drawing my cardigan across me. It was dark grey, perfect for slinking in and out of palace rooms in the night. I crept over to the baron's study, my bare feet soundless against the tile floor. I opened the door and crept in, creeping over to his desk. I opened a random drawer and reached inside, before pulling out a piece of paper. A letter. I heard the heavy clunk of boots, and froze. Someone was there. I ducked beneath the desk just as the door opened, and in walked a guard.

"Who's there?" The guard called. I grimaced silently. By the sound of his voice, he was no more than 14 years old. There was nothing I hated more than children having to work.

I didn't breath until the boy crept back out, boots thudding against the floor. I slid out from underneath the desk, and crept back to my room. Only then did I hesitantly read the letter, my eyes darting over all the information presented to me in the scant moonlight. 

To Run and Hideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें