Starting out

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So I've been wanting to write a story like this for awhile now and I'm just saying now, I'm so freaking sorry if I don't update this all the time ( if anyone even bothers to read this ╮(─▽─)╭) But I hope you enjoy it!

Josh couldn't help but love Tyler. Like what was there not to love about him? See, you came up with nothing. But getting back in track, Josh really loved Tyler. His smile and laugh just made his chest tighten and his heart go freaking crazy.

But the thing is, he can't just go up to his best friend and be like, "Hey, I'm in love with you." That would make him seem weird(er) then he normally is.

But he couldn't help love him more tonight as Tyler jumps around the stage singing.
"Lean with it, rock with it,

When we gonna stop with it,

Lyrics that mean nothing, we were gifted with thought,

Is it time to move our feet to an introspective beat,

It ain't the speakers that bump hearts, it's our hearts that make the beat."

He couldn't help but smile his dorky smile when he saw Tyler walking over to him and finished the song.

After he finished he listened to the crowd screaming and cheering. Tyler had started to drin- no guzzle his water when he caught Josh's eye. He put his eater bottle down, but before he started to talk, he winked at Josh.

'Did he just wink at me???' Josh forgot how to breath for a moment. 'Josh, calm down it was just a wink.'

He shook his head and started to play again. That night was the best concert that they've ever preformed, but then again, he always said that about every concert.

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