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Published another chapter to the cancer au thing. Check it out maybe? Anyway, sorry if this chapter isnt that good. Also I won't be updating sometime in June bc my mom is sending me to camp.

Today was another boring day on the tour bus. Nothing was satisfying, not twitter, not YouTube, not even Mario Cart. Just sitting around and not doing a thing.

Josh was still asleep and Mark was doing his own thing, and Tyler was in his bunk, doing nothing but staring at ceiling. Tyler, for the first time in a few weeks, slept in his own bunk. It was colder then it was when he had Josh by him, which he didn't like that much. He loved sleeping with Josh, he loved having him with him.

Tyler rolled out of his bed and stretched. It was colder outside his bunk, then it was inside. Why was it so cold all the time? It was like he was stuck in a frezer all the time.

He lumbered to the front of the bus. Surprise, surprise no one was up there. Everyone was in the back or in their bunks. He made his way to the coffee maker, swaying slightly from the bus.

He reached for the coffee grounds and filters. He usually had Josh reach for them, he was slightly taller then Tyler, but Josh was still sleeping. This wants that big of a deal, he would just get a chair and get them himself.

But the bus leaned again, making Tyler almost fall over. Maybe it was a bad idea, but he really wanted coffee. So he gingerly got onto the stool and reached for the supplies.

The bus leaned. "Shit-"

Tyler fell to the ground with a thud. He maybe shouldn't have done that. But thankfully, he did have the coffee grounds in hand.'Worth the fall.' He thought.

He got up, setting the filters and coffee grounds on the counter. He then proceeded to make his delicious coffee. He was amazed when none of the other boys came when the smell started to waft through the bus.

He poured himself a mug and leaned against the counter. He was content, for now anyway. He had his coffee to keep him warm.

He abandon the counter and walked to the couch. He carefully sat down, curling his legs up. Why couldn't Josh be up yet? He just wanted to talk to someone about anything. But he couldn't just walk him up because he was bored. Tyler wasn't like that.

Besides, he felt like he was being clingy. He was with Josh most the time. But Tyler felt like he was bothering him more then he needed too. He just liked being around Josh. But of course Tyler loved hanging out with his other friends, it just felt better when Josh was with him.

Was he clingy? Tyler could feel his stomach flip. Was Josh annoyed with him?

He was pulled out from his thoughts when someone sat beside him.

"Morning." Josh said groggily, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"You mean afternoon?" Tyler finished his coffee. "Its 2:45."

"Right, sorry. I'm still really tired." He rubbed his face.

"Its cool." Tyler still felt bothered. He looked into his empty mug. Not wanting to bother Josh, he kept quiet.

When Tyler stole a peek at Josh he saw that is eyes were closed. He looked peaceful. Then he smiled, making Tyler's heart melt.

"What're you looking at?" His eyes still closed, his smile still intact.

Tyler blushed. "Nothing."

Josh opened his eyes. "Mmkay, Ty." He pressed a kiss onto his lips. "I'm gonna get some coffee."

Tyler held his mug. "Take this?" It came out as a question, great.

"Yep" he grabbed the mug and walked over to the small kitchen area.

Tyler bit his lip. Why was he so wound up about this? There was no signs of Josh being bothered by Tyler. He had no reason to worry, right?

He sighed, leaning his head against the back of the couch. He should talk about this with Josh so he could stop feeling like this. But in the chance that it would make things weird, he shouldn't.

"You want eggs or something?" Josh asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, eggs please." Tyler didn't think he was up for eating right now.

Josh looked at Tyler with concern. "You ok, Tyler? You seem out of it."

Tyler hesitated, only making Josh more concerned. What was he supposed to day? 'Oh, I'm just worried that I'm bothering you and annoyed with me.' He felt insecure.

He didn't look at Josh. "I'm fine."

Josh sat by him again, leaving his coffee. "No, your not. What's wrong?"

Tyler still wouldn't look at Josh. He felt like he was blowing this out of proportion, so he let it slip."Do I bother you?"

Josh was taken aback by this question. "No. Why, does it seem like I'm bothered by you?"

"I just feel like I'm too clingy." Tyler wrapped his arms around himself.

Josh grabbed Tyler's chin and gently pulled towards him so he was looking at him. Although Tyler still wouldn't make eye contact with Josh.

"Ty, look at me." Tyler raised his gazed and locked eyes with Josh. "you aren't to clingy, your just the right amount."

Tyler opened his mouth to say something but Josh continued to talk. "You don't bother me. Sure, we're together all the time and I might need some time by myself, but its not because you bother me."

Tyler nodded. He felt a lot better now then he had before. He fell forward onto Josh when the bus took a sharp turn.

He heard Josh's coffee fall and shatter onto the ground. He felt Josh's arms wrapped around him, making his wrap his own arms around Josh. He felt secure.

Josh was on his back with Tyler on too of him, their legs tangled together. He started laughing. "You ok, Baby Boy?"

Tyler was laughing too. "I am now."

Josh kissed Tyler softly and sweetly. "Your such a dork."

Tyler tried hiding his smile. "So are you."

"I love you, Tyler." Josh smiled.

"I love you, Josh." Tyler laid his head down on Josh's chest. He listened to his heart thump up against his chest.

He heard someone walk in and suddenly cry out. "Ow, holy shit. Who's coffee?"

Josh raised his hand."Sorry, Mark."

When Josh put his hand back down, he started to play with the hood on Tyler's hoodie. "Love you." Tyler whispered.

"Love you, too." Josh whispered back.

Mark threw his hands up. "Ok, that's cute and all, but will someone please come and pick up this mess before one of us cut our footd open."

Today started out as a boring day. But right now ,Tyler and Josh both sat there, holding each other and giggling. Right now was great.

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