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Sorry that this chapter is late, I'm just busy with things. Im probably going to end this story soon. But enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading X3

Its been two weeks since Josh had asked Tyler to marry him. And Tyler couldn't be any happier. It took everything in him not to tell anyone, which was Josh and his agreement.

They had already gotten their engagement rings. Josh had wanted to just get Tyler one, but Tyler insisted they both get one. The both of them had gotten weird looks, but they didn't care.

After spending about an hour at the store, they got matching golden rings. The width of the rings weren't thin, but they weren't thick either. There was also one small, black, diamond embedded into the ring.

After that, Tyler would always be playing with his ring. He would be sitting there on the phone, having a normal conversation, then start to play with it. Josh thought it was kinda cute.

But back to today, Tyler and Josh had arrived back to their home town. Josh wanted to spend more time with Tyler alone and so did Tyler, but he hasn't seen his family for a few months. So with a lot of pleading, and sex, Josh finally agreed to go.

So here they are at Tyler's parents house, sitting in Tyler's old room. Tyler sat on his bed, playing with his ring again, and Josh scrolling through his phone. Tyler was bored, he just wanted to do something, anything really.

"Babe." Tyler was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

Josh didn't show any signs of hearing him, which made Tyler pout.

"Josh." He tried again.

No answer.

Tyler rolled onto his belly and poked at Josh's hand. "Joshy."

Josh finally pulled his attention from his phone to Tyler. And god Josh just looked so freaking cute. His hair was sticking up in different directions, the light hitting his face made his eyes look so much lighter then they really were, his lips were just, oh dear god. Tyler couldn't help but just stare at Josh.

Josh rolled his eyes and went back to his phone. Why wouldn't he just pay attention to Tyler? Tyler didn't know the answer to that, making in pout even more.

"Josh." He started to place kisses on his jawline."

"What at you doing?" Josh mumbled, still not looking at Tyler.

Tyler stopped kissing him, letting out a huff. He didn't even answer, he just shoved his head into the crook of Josh's neck. He gave up. All the wanted was a few kisses or like an actual conversation while they waited for their families to show up.

They didn't say anything else for awhile. The silence was bothering Tyler, he could hear that annoying sound you can hear when its really quite.

He lifted his head away from Josh and rolled back onto his back. "I love you."

"Love you too, baby boy." Josh set his phone down and rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around Tyler.

Oh, so now he wants to pay attention to Tyler? Tyler felt a little upset about this, but felt it dissolve when Josh kissed his cheek. He cursed Joshua Dun.

It was easier then Tyler imagined to tell their families about their engagement. But mostly because Josh's mom grabbed his hand and just gasped. All he could do is let her touch the ring.

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