Sick in bed

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Sorry this chapter was short. But I hope you like it and I'll try and be updating it soon! Also thanks to all the people that voted for this story


Being sick wasn't all bad. You got to sit in bed all day, watching movies and sleeping. But for Josh, not being able to do anything else was a nightmare. He wanted to be up and doing things, even if there was nothing else to do.

"Please, I can't sit here and do nothing." Josh pouted.

"The more you rest, the faster you'll get better."

"Mark, please."


Josh huffed, rolled onto his side and ignored the other man in this room. This wasn't fair, he didn't want to stay in bed and do nothing. He hated being sick, getting headaches, getting that itchy feeling in the back in your throat.

He felt someone get into his bunk and hug him from behind.

"Hey, J."


"How's it going?"

Josh turned onto his side and looked at Tyler, he looked exhausted. "It's going. Are you feeling ok?"

Tyler gave a weak smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired."

That was hard to believe, Tyler's nose was running and he seemed colder then usual. It wasn't like Tyler to be tired either, he was always full if energy and hopping around.

"Your sick, Ty."

"Sick as frick." Tyler laughed quietly.

Josh couldn't help but laugh at the boy, his laugh was to contagious. But Tyler's laugh turned into a coughing fit, almost hitting Josh in the face with his elbow while trying to cover his mouth.

"Careful there, Baby boy." Josh scooted closer to the wall before Tyler fell off the bed. "Are you ok?"

Tyler nodded, moving in closer from the edge of the bed. "Its cold."

"Here." Josh lifted his blanket up so Tyler could cover up as well.

After they where situated and comfy. Josh turned on The X-Files. They watched that for awhile, talking about random stuff. After their 11th episode, Josh was getting tired and Tyler looked like he was about to pass out.

While Tyler had one of his arms over Josh's torso, he couldn't help but feel lucky he had Tyler. He was so damn lucky to have him, to love him like this. To be able to talk to Tyler about things and not care. He loved Tyler with all his heart, it hurt sometimes. But that was one of the best things about being in love.

"I love you, Tyler Joseph." Josh whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Love you too, Joshua Dun." Tyler mumbled back.

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