Can't Help Falling In Love

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I've started another project that I might not even post. But sorry that this one is shorter but thanks for sticking around.


It was another show night. And Tyler was feeling more nervous then usual. Why was Tyler feeling this way? He was planning on telling the fans about him and Josh.

He jumped up from the couch five minutes before the show. Sure, both their family's knew and their friends knew. But the media and the fans didn't.

Tyler sighed. He couldn't help but think about what everyone would think.Will they support us? What if they didn't like it? What if they boo us of stage? He was starting to get a headache.

Three minutes. Oh god, he didn't think he could do this. They were going to hate them. And then Josh would leave him and the band. He chewed his nails out of nervousness.

"You ok, Ty?" Josh was stretching his arms.

Tyler gave a nervous laugh. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Josh stopped what he was doing and wrapped his arms loosely around Tyler's waist. "We don't have to tell them yet."

"It's not that I don't want to tell them, they have the right to know." Tyler sighed deeply. "I'm just scared that they won't accept us or support us. I'm scared they'll hate us." He left out that part about being scared he was going to leave him.

"Ty, they won't hate us. Think about how happy they'll be for us. About us." Josh kissed him. "And if they have a problem, who cares? We're happy with what we've got."

Tyler smiled. His fear of Josh leaving him melted away. He had Josh, and the fans would have to deal with it.

"One minute entill show time!"

"I love you, Tyler Joseph."

Tyler kissed him. "Love you too, Josh Dun."

With that Josh let go of Tyler and went on stage. He could hear the cheering of the crowd. He jumped a few times and shook his hands. Everything was going to be ok.

He waited for his signal to jump onto stage. Josh started playing. "Go!"

He ran onto stage.

When they were done with all their songs, Josh left his drum kit and stood by Tyler. Tyer reached for Josh's hand. He could do this.

"Me and Josh want to announce something." The crowd cheered and Tyler smiled.

Josh then spoke into the microphone. "Me and Tyler are in a relationship. We have been for awhile."

Tyler couldn't help but smile when the cheering got even louder. From what he could see, they accepted this. They where ok with them being together.

Tyler was probably the happiest man on earth at that moment. "How about we play another song?"

Josh nodded. He gave Tyler a quick kiss, earning even more cheering, and ran back to his drums.

Tyler grabbed his ukulele. "This song is called 'Can't Help Falling in Love'."
Sorry if that was like, the lamest way they could have announced that u.u

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