First date, well sort of.

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This chapter has slight smut (Again, sorry if its not that good, still working on it). I'll be trying to update this more often, tomorrow is my last day of school. But yeah, enjoy~

Tyler was nervous. It wasn't the feeling of a few butterfly's in his stomach, it was more like the feeling of ten. Why was Tyler nervous? Josh had asked him on a date. Their first official date.

Yeah sure, they had been hanging out like normal, but it was filled more with couple stuff. Like cuddling and kissing and sitting one each other's lap. Ok they sat on each others lap before they had started this, but that's not the point.

He didn't know what to wear. It would be casual, Josh was bringing him to a restaurant and then they where going to go catch a movie. Simple.

He signed and climbed onto his bunk. He didn't have to start getting ready until 6. He glanced at his clock, 2:34 PM. What was he going to do until then?

He groaned, pulling at his hair. He had nothing to do. Well that wasn't entirely true, he could play Mario Cart or write some more music. He was just being difficult today. Tyler decided nerves sucked.

He lookdd around, looking for somthing to do or somome too bother. Where was Josh? Maybe he would have things for.him to do.

Tyler hopped out of his bunk. "Joooosh." He was whining, he was pretty good at it too.

He went to the way back of the bus. Nope not there. He checked his bunk to see if he was sleeping. Nope. And finally went to the front of the bus.

There he was, sitting on the couch. And he was coloring his hair again. This didn't surprise Tyler in the slightest. He was used to Josh coloring his hair bright, fun colors.

"J," he whined again. "I'm bored."

He plopped down next to Josh, leaning on him.

Josh nodded. "So am I. Wanna play some Mario Cart?"

Tyler had his face pressed into Josh's side, shaking it for no. He didn't want to do that right now. Plus, he knew Josh would win because he never win when he was nervous about something.

Josh huffed and started scratching his chin. Tyler lifted his head so he was looking up at Josh. He just wanted to go out on their date already. He hadn't had a night out in forever, he knew it would be a hundred time better since it was a date.

They sat there like that for a few more minutes, not looking away from each other. It was decided that Josh had the most beautiful mocha colored eyes ever. And the most perfect shaped lips.

Tyler just wanted to kiss him. He wanted to be able to give him love bites and whisper how much he loved him. He bit his lip, blushing.

Josh smiled, his eyes doing the crinkle thing, which made Tyler's heart melt.

"Whata thinking 'bout, Baby boy?" Josh's voice was barley a whisper.

Oh god that's hot. Tyler stopped biting his lip. "Things."

Josh hummed. "What kind of things." He was closer now.

"About what I would like to do right now." He licked his lips.

"What do you wanna do?" Josh was teasing him.

And holy shit, Josh's breath was warm against his face. "Kiss you."

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