Finally moving in together

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This was probably the hardest thing Tyler has ever done. Well, that's not entirely true, but it was close. Choosing who's house they were going to move into or if they should get a new house.

Tyler plopped himself down on the couch. They had been back in LA for four days and they still haven't entirely chosen what to do yet. Would Tyler move into Josh's apartment, or would Josh move into Tyler's apartment? Or would they buy a new house altogether? They didn't fucking know and it was driving Tyler crazy.

Tyler just wants all the crazy to go away for awhile. He was sick of having to deal with the stress and explaining, its freaking exhausting. People ask questions, he gets that, he just needs a brake.

He closed his eyes and tried to ignore his thoughts. He didn't want to think right now. He just let the dark behind his eyes lull him to sleep.
Its been a week since Tyler napped on the couch and they still haven't gotten anywhere. All they've been doing is arguing about moving and the wedding plans.

"All I wanted to know was how many people you think are going to go!" Tyler raised his voice, throwing a pillow from their bed at Josh.

"And I told you I didn't know!" Josh answered. "Why can't we just relax and not worry about that for awhile?"

"Because we have a lot to get done in such little time, Josh." He crossed his arms. "Its like you don't even care."

Josh got up from his spot at the end of their bed and went to the door. "I do care Tyler, this is stressing me out just as much as you."

Tyler pinched the bridge of his nose. Why the hell did this have to happen? All he wanted was to get something done so they could relax, enjoy each other. But no, they had to argue about it and that wouldn't fix anything.

"Then why don't you help me?" He tried to keep his voice level.

"I'm sorry that what I've been doing isn't good enough." Josh said as he walked out of their room and headed to the front door.

Tyler started towards the door. Josh felt like that? How could Tyler let that happen? He started to feel light headed. "Josh, n-."

Josh cut him off. "It doesn't matter."

Tyler shook his head. "Josh, I'm sorry."

"I said it doesn't matter, Tyler." His voice softened when he said Tyler's name. He looked like he was broken, his eyes sad. "I'll be back later."

When the door shut, and what had just happened sunk in, Tyler broke down into tears. This was all his fault, he made Josh feel that way. Why did he always mess things up?

He curled up on the couch, the silence already eating away at Tyler. Sometimes quiet is violent. What was he going to do? He felt like he messed up everything.

He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a shaky breath. That days events made him want to fall into the couch and disappear all together. But sadly, that wouldn't fix anything.

Tyler sat there for awhile, stressing about his problems and how he could fix them. He had stopped crying by now and had put a movie on. He was waiting for Josh to get back home so he could apologize.

But after a few movies Tyler started to get worried. It was 1 AM and Josh left at 9. He looked out the window, the sky was a very dark blue with white stars swirled everywhere. Nothing.

Tyler had tried calling him 15 times with no answer, texting him about 20. He groaned and threw his phone onto the end if the bed. He just wanted to know if Josh was safe.

He covered up with the blanket, having no intentions of falling asleep. He felt like his insides where on fire. If Josh got hurt, Tyler would blame himself. His head started to spin again and his eyes stung. He tried curling up more, pulling the blanket closer. This was his fault and Josh hated him.

God, why did he have to mess everything up? He heard a door click shut, followed by footsteps. Tyler sniffed and wiped the tears away from his eyes.


A huge wave of relief hit Tyler. He was Ok, Josh was OK. He sniffed again.

He felt the bed dip down and someone pulling the covers over. Then he felt someone wrap their arms around himself. He couldn't help it, he hugged onto Josh.

"I'm sorry." Tyler's voice cracked.

"S'fine, babe." Josh soothed. "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have left."

A comfortable silence filled the room for a moment. Tyler listening to the thumping of Josh's heart in his chest, thanking the heavens for him. And Josh plying with Tyler's hair.

"But we should really talk about the moving situation." Josh sighed.

Tyler gave a small whine. "In the morning?"


"I love you." Tyler whispered.

"Love you, too." Josh whispered back.
So would they just buy a house after they get married, would they buy one now, or would they stay in one of their apartments? They finally figured it out, after much consideration. They would buy a house before their wedding.

Now all they had to figure out where they would buy a house. Their hometown or someplace else? They both loved their hometown and being close to family was a plus. But where else would they go?

"I think we should just get a house in Ohio." Tyler nudged Josh's knee with his own, making the laptop on Josh's lap wobble.

"OK." Was the only thing he answered back with.

Finally! Finally they had a house. More specifically a house in their hometown in Ohio. Tyler couldn't have been happier. The house had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an amazing kitchen, a huge family room, and an equally huge basement.

Josh was just happy he would have a room big enough for his drum kit.

"Dude, this is going to be awesome." Tyler looked out the window excitedly.

"So awesome." Josh grinned, turning onto the street their new house was on.

Once Tyler saw the house, he was jumping in his seat, point at it like a child. "Josh! Josh, that's our house!"

Josh's soft laughter filled the car. "Yes it is, babe."

"Josh, we own a house." Tyler's smile was so big, it hurt his face.

Josh pulled into their driveway, parked the car and hurried to open Tyler's door.

"Josh, what are you doing?" Tyler asked, laughing as Josh picked him up bridal style.

He continued to carry him up the front steps and open the front door, Tyler giggling the whole way. Josh made his way to their bedroom. Walking through the living room and into the hallway, up the steps and finally to their room.

"Josh!" Tyler laughed as he was thrown onto their bed.

Tyler pulled Josh onto the bed with him, both giggling uncontrollably. This was amazing. They bought a house together, they were engaged and in love. This was the realest thing for Tyler and he couldn't get over the fact that he had Josh.

He was taken from thought as Josh planted kisses all over Tyler's face, repeating 'I love you' s. This made Tyler squirm underneath Josh.

"Jish!" Tyler squealed.

Josh laughed, planting one more kiss, but on his lips. "Your such a dork."

"But I'm your dork." Tyler licked the tip of his nose.

"Ew." Josh rolled so he was laying next to Tyler and wiped his nose, faking a grimace.

Tyler was laughing so hard, grabbing his sides. It was quite cute. Josh quickly trapped Tyler in his arms.

"Your lucky I love you." Josh teased him.

"I guess I am."

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