Møre then bøyfriends

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Sorry this is a day late, I've been busy and writers block is a bitch. Also I've been freaking out BC my parents are letting me go to the tøp concert in October.

But enough of that. Enjoy this short, fulffy, chapter.
Josh let himself fall onto his bed, sighing. "Finally." He was finally home from tour.

He didn't go back to his home town, but instead when to his home in LA. Josh did feel bad for not going to see his family. He felt even worse for stealing Tyler away from his own family. Tho Tyler did say he wanted to go with Josh. He wanted more alone time with Josh, like going out without people from the crew going with.

Josh rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. He just wanted to take a long nap with Ty and then order pizza. But right now, his thoughts where buzzing.

He and Tyler had been dating for almost a year now and they've been best friends for a few years. Josh really loved Tyler. He thought he was so beautiful and amazing. He loved everything about Tyler, he loved his laugh, his smile, and all of his flaws. Just thinking about it made Josh's heart pound.

Josh sat there with his eyes closed for awhile. He thought about life and how it works weirdly. He also thought about life without Tyler, it was something he never wanted to experience.

He felt someone crawl onto the bed and wrapp their arms around his torso. Josh felt the person bury their face in his neck, their breath hot against his skin.

"Hey" Tyler's voice was muffled.

Josh opened one of his eyes, looking at Tyler. His hair was sticking up in crazy places and he didn't have a shirt on. Nice. He couldn't tell if his eyes were closed or not.

"You asleep or what?" Tyler raised his head to look at Josh.

"No." He answered.

Tyler smiled, but this smile was dopey. It was one of those smiles you could only get if you were dead beat tired. Josh couldn't help put place a kiss the side of his mouth.

He was so in love with this boy. He was the happiest he had ever been in his whole life and so freaking thankful he had Tyler. And that's when Josh knew he wanted him to be more then his boyfriend.

Tyler laid next to him. "What're you thinking about?"

Josh turned onto his side, looking at Tyler. "About things."

"What kind of things?" Tyler and Josh were so close their foreheads were almost touching.

Josh grabbed one of Tyler's hands and held it. "About us." Josh saw the hint of fear in Tyler's eyes. "It's nothing bad, I promise."

Tyler nodded. "What about us, then?"

Josh smiled. "Why all the questions?"

"Cause I want to know." Tyler grabbed Josh's free hand.

Josh was buzzing with feelings. Love, nervousness, excitement, fear. He was scared that Tyler would say no. He was scared of losing him.

"What if I'm scared to say." Josh's voice was barely a whisper.

"We all get scared." Tyler whispered back. Josh let out a shaky breath. "Remember when I was scared to tell you about how I felt like I bothered you?"

Josh nodded, he was looking at his and Tyler's hands.

"You can tell me what your scared about, J."

Josh looked up at Tyler again. "I'm scared to ask." He took a deep breath. "I'm scared to ask if you would like to be more then my boyfriend."

"Like, get married?" Tyler asked.

Josh nodded again, still looking at their hands.

At first Tyler didn't say anything. And at that moment Josh's head was buzzing with thoughts of rejection. 'He's going to say no' and 'He thinks I'm weird'.

"You don't have too say yes or anything. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sor-"

"Josh, shut up." Tyler was still holding onto Josh's hands.

Doing as he was told he shut his mouth. This was it wasn't it? Josh was going to lose Tyler forever.

"Your such a dork, of course I'll marry you."

Josh finally looked at Tyler. He was smiling and he looked kinda teary eyed. And holy shit, it just hit him, Tyler said yes.

He kissed him. He kissed him with everything he had. Josh was so happy. The person he loved the most said he would marry him!

He let go of one of Tyler's hand and cupped his face. He could feel tears on his face and wiped them away. Josh pulled him closer.

When they broke apart for air, they put their forehads together and Josh let out soft laugh.

"Your crying." Tyler let out a soft laugh as well.

Josh kissed him again, he couldn't get enough of the feeling of Tyler's lips against his. It was soft and perfect. It was almost the best kiss ever.

They broke apart again. "So are you."

"Because I'm happy."

"I love you, Tyler." Josh rubbed his thumb softly over Tyler's cheek bone.

"I love you too, Josh." Tyler smiled.

Josh couldn't help but feel like this was the best moment he ever shared with Tyler. But then again, every moment he shared with his best friend, and now fiancé, was the best.

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