You can't ignore me forever

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Sorry that this took a little longer to update, I got my phone taken away. But I hope you like this chapter.


It all started when Josh didn't want to cuddle. It had been hotel night and Tyler and Josh where sharing a room that night.

Josh flopped down in his bed. It was so soft and warm. It was waaaay better then the bunks. He missed his bed, he missed sleeping in a nice comfortable bed every night. He would decently get a good nights rest here.

While Josh was in bed, there for as long as he could, Tyler was taking a shower. The show was amazing that night. Tyler had sung his heart out, he was proud of himself. But he wasn't tired, he was still hyped up.

Yeah, he was sweaty and smelled, but it was worth it every time. The screaming from the fans, getting to see them all smile. He was happy he and Josh could do that for them all.

He finished washing himself and got out of the shower, drying off, and got dressed. Well not really, he just slipped some sweatpants on.

He walked out too see Josh have awake. His eyes droopy, covered in sweat, and still in his skinny jeans. His hat was on the night stand and his hair was sticking to the side of his head.

"Baby, I wanna cuddle."

Josh groaned. He was tired and sweaty, he wasn't in the mood for cuddling or touching.

"Not right now, I'm tired and I'm not feeling so hot right now."

Tyler huffed and crawled up by Josh. "I'll make it better."

Josh looked st Tyler's pleading eyes. he wanted to say yes, but he wasn't in the mood. He never wanted Tyler to be upset with him or something he did.

"Ty, please, not right now."

Tyler frowned. He looked truly disappointed. Also very adorable.

After awhile Josh got up to go take a shower. While he was in the shower he could hear Tyler saying stuff, doing things. What the hell could he be doing?

Oh. He was doing that. He could hear Tyler whimper and oh god, he could feel himself starting to get hard. Jesus Christ, he didn't want to have to deal with this right now, he just wanted to sleep. Josh cursed Tyler for this. And Tyler knew exactly what he was doing, he knew Josh could hear him.

he could faintly hear Tyler whisper things under his breath. Things like 'oh god, Josh.' and 'Fuck yes.'. And god Josh just wanted to get off and sleep.

He slowly started to touch himself. "Shit, Ty."

He could hear Tyler gasp. "J, J please."

Josh's moves got faster. He thought of Tyler beneath him and whimpering. He swore he heard Tyler moan. He just wanted to touch Tyler, to make him feel good.

And then Tyler stopped. He stopped making noises and saying Josh's name. He left Josh hanging. Tyler was already done, he was just doing that for Josh.

After another 5 minutes, Josh got out of the shower and skipped his boxers back on. He slipped out of the bathroom. It looked like Tyler was asleep.


No answer.

"Damn." He grumbled.

He crawled I to bed next to Tyler, cuddling up to him. He slept well that night.


After hotel night, Tyler didn't show any other affection besides m
kissing. He wouldn't cuddle up to Josh, wouldn't sleep in the same bunk as him. He was getting revenge.

"Ty, it was that one night." Josh wanted some alone time with his boyfriend, it didn't even have to turn into anything sexual.

"I'm not in the mood." Tyler was sitting in the couch, playing some dumb game.on his phone he wasn't even interested in.

"Please, I'll make popcorn and we can watch a movie." Josh sat down next to him.

Tyler could feel his boyfriend start to pull him closer, giving him a small kiss on the temple. "I just don't feel up to it."

That was a total lie, he wanted to so bad. And Josh knew it. But he couldn't let Josh win this.

"Baby boy, come on. I know you want to." Josh missed him again. "Please."

"Maybe some other time." Tyler gave him a quick kiss and left.

Josh frowned.


Josh for sure would get Tyler this time. It had been 3 days since the movie thing, and he knew that Tyler would t be able to stand anymore of not having affection. Josh was going to win this.

Tyler was playing Mario Cart and Josh was sitting opposite of Tyler. Josh was doing nothing special. He was getting tired and wanted to take a nap. Tyler loved taking naps with Josh, and Josh loved when Tyler took naps with him. Naps were great in general, but they were better with Tyler.

"Ima go take a nap." Josh stood up and yawned.

He saw Tyler quickly look up, starting to fall behind. But just as quickly,he looked at the screen.


"You wanna join me?"

Tyler really wanted to, but he had to win. "No, thanks for the offer."

"Whatever you say, Baby boy." and with that Josh walked off.

Tyler spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping on the couch when he could have been with Josh.


After a few more feeble attempts to get Tyler to do things with him, Josh gave up. He walked up behind Tyler and hugged him.

Tyler smiled. "What's up?"

"I give up." Josh grumbled in return.

"Really?" Sounding amused, Tyler turned himself around d and looked at his boyfriend.

"Yes." Josh sighed. "You got what you wanted, you win."

"Yay!" Tyler kissed him.

They stood there for a few minutes, enjoying each others company and sharing a few kisses, when Josh started pulling Tyler to his bunk.

He laughed. "Where're going?"

"To cuddle," Josh hopped in, then pulling Tyler in after him. "Got a problem?"

"Hell no." He quickly hugged closer to Josh, enjoying the warmth he had to offer.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Best cuddle session ever.

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