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Finally, an update! Again, sorry for being gone. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry that I didn't do a full on wedding chapter, I'm just so bad at that kind of stuff and I don't know much about weddings.Vote/comment

Its been about a month since Tyler and Josh got married, and they couldn't have been happier. It wasn't hard for them to adjust to 'married life'. It was acually quite easy. They had always shared their stuff and were always around each other, but now they were acually married.

~~Flashback to wedding~~

Josh held Tyler's hands nervously, not even looking away from him. He was smiling at him and squeezed his hands. Soon the nervousness melted away and he smiled back at him.

The pastor finally announced. "You may now kiss the groom."

Josh didn't need to be told twice, he leaned in and kissed Tyler sweetly. As the their family and friends cheered, he pulled Tyler close to him. Tyler was his husband.

He pulled away. "I love you."

Tyler had tears in his eyes, what a sap (But Josh had no room to talk). "I love you more."

"If that's even possible." Josh kissed him one more time.

He grabbed his hand and ran down the isle with him and out to their 'carriage', that's what Maddy called it, and got ready to go to the reception.

~~Flashback end~~

They both decided that they didn't want to go on a honeymoon, they had to finish unpacking and they had so much work to do. It was kinda hectic. But every night they would cuddle in the couch and watch a move or play Mario Cart.

Tonight they both agreed on a movie. Tyler was curled up to Josh's side, with his head in his chest and Joshs arm around him. It was really comfortable, Tyler enjoying the extra heat.

They sat in silence for awhile, just enjoying each others company. But Tyler soon got bored. He wanted to do something, anything. So he be gain to squirm in his seat.

This only made Josh laugh. "What're you doing, babe?" He asked.

"Huugh," Was all Tyler answered with as he rolled off the couch on onto the floor.

"I married a weirdo." Josh teased.

Tyler smiled at this. "And I married a dork."

"Well I guess we're a perfect match" Josh stretched out on the couch.

Tyler couldn't help but stair at Josh. He was just so beautiful, his hair was a mess and he had that goofy smile on his face. Tyler just wanted to hold him.and never let him go. Josh was just Josh and Tyler loved him.

"I guess we are." Tyler played with the lose strings on the blanket.

Josh tugged lightly on Tyler's sleeve. "Come back up here and cuddle me, baby boy."

Tyler giggled at the nickname while climbing back up to the couch. He loved this. He loved how he could be himself around Josh and how he didn't mind when Tyler was a goofball.

He hugged onto Josh. "Can we order take out?"

Josh kissed Tyler's head. "Anything for you, baby."


A/N: Yo, sorry if this chapter sucked. Ive been feeling like this story keeps going in circles idk tho.

I might be ending it soon, just a few more chapters, I wanna try and get to 20

Its just been hard to try and have a new idea for every chapter, ya know?

And I've been working on a few other stories. Like the Cancer AU one and I just started a werewolf au one, I haven't posted any of the chapters (depending on when I publish this one).

And school starts in like 6 weeks and I'm starting at a new school so I might be a little stressed out and not write or I might write a lot.

Oh and I might have my phone taken away a lot to because I tend to make 'poor choices' and my parents take my phone any chance they get.

Until next time

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