Life As Cat Owners

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Sorry if this sucks, things have gotten hard again. I just don't know anymore.
Don't forget to vote/comment

Also I think I'm going to try something new. You guys can request chapter ideas and shit it would be cool. So if you have something you think would be cute then comment what you think!

Josh looked at all the cats they had at the shelter. He couldn't just pick one, that would be unfair to the rest of them. He just wanted to take them all home with him, but unfortunately his husband won't let him. It was hard enough to convince Tyler to let him one cat.

He turned to Tyler, a pleading look on his face. "Ty," he started.

"No." Tyler didn't want to hear it, they were getting one cat and one cat only.

"You don't even know what I was going say." Josh stood there with his arms out. How could he say no if he didn't know what he was going to say? Tyler could at least hear him out.

"You were going to ask if we could get more then one." He stated mater-a-factly.

Josh let out a huff and turned back to the cats. Tyler thought he was acting like a child, finding it quite annoying. He pushed away from the thought and instead stood beside Josh, looking at the cats.

They were all pretty cute, he couldn't lie about that. He looked at most of the cats and found it extremely difficult to pick one, finally seeing why it was so hard for Josh to pick one. It was sad to see all these animals locked up, it was totally unfair to them.

Thinking about it made Tyler upset. He placed his hand in a random cage, not even thinking about it, and started to feel something licking him. He looked up and saw a small white cat.

He smiled as the cat continued to lick at his hand. Its green eyes looking sad. Tyler wanted this cat, she was perfect. He wanted to make her happy. As he pulled his hand away to open the cage the cat let out a small mew, making Tyler's heart melt.

Once he got the cage opened he scooped the small creature into his arms. The cat let out a happy mew and started rubbing against Tyler's chest. Tyler decided this was one of the cutest things he's ever seen.

"Joshy," Tyler called innocently.

"Mm?" Josh was busy with a tabby who was batting at his hand playfully.

"Joshy," he called again.

"Yeah, Ty?" He brought his attention to Tyler.

He was not disappointed at what he saw. A small Tyler with a tiny cat. It was like heaven sent an angel with an even smaller angel. It made Tyler look even cuter, if it was even possible. And it made Josh smile at the pair.

"What's this?" Josh asked, the smile still stuck to his face.

"Your amazing husband and the cat he wants." Tyler answered sweetly.

"What about the cat I want?" Josh crossed his arms.

Tyler frowned. Its either he doesn't get the white cat or they get two cats. Of course this would happen. He sighed. He was going to lose. But whatever, they both got what they wanted, right?


"Get the cat and let's go." Tyler let the frown fall from his face.

Josh smiled wider, grabbing the tabby. "Love you, babe."

"Love you, too." He pressed a quick kiss to Josh's lips.
Tyler sat in the car, their two new cats napping on his lap, while Josh ran into the pet store to get another cat bed. He wasn't mad at all about how things turned out, he was acually quite happy. He may have lost, but maybe now the house wouldn't feel as empty.

Tyler looked down at the cats on his lap. They looked so happy sitting there, they didn't have to be stuck in cages anymore. And this made Tyler extremely happy.
Tyler let the small cat leap out of his arms and onto the couch, watching as she rubbed her head on a pillow. They had just gotten home and where letting the cats roam their new home. So far they seemed to like it.

Josh walked into the living room, making Tyler look away from the cat. He had a bag with him and a huge grin on his face. This could mean a few things. He's happy, he's got an idea, he might do something dumb. Tyler let himself fall onto the couch, making the tabby jump and causing both Josh and Tyler to giggle.

"What's in the bag?" Tyler questioned after their giggling died down.

"Cat toys." Josh answered as he pulled out a few fake mice, jingle balls, one of those sticks with the sting and feathers on it.

"Oh," Tyler said as he crawled from the couch and onto the floor next to Josh. "Cool."

Josh handed Tyler the stick with the string on it. Tyler dragged the feather across the shag, gaining the attention of the small white cat on the couch. She stopped what she was doing and crouched down low, wiggling her butt before pouncing on the feather. She was small and quick, like a ninja. The thought making Tyler chuckle.

Josh smiled at the pair. He was glad they got two cats, but he was happier about the fact that Tyler was appeased. He had been wanting a new addition for some time now, but they had both agreed that they weren't ready for children. So they had to agree on some type of pet. A fish was boring, a dog would be to much when on tour, and really small animals where just a no. So they decided cats, they were chill and didn't care most of the time.

Now all they needed to do was name them.

"Any name ideas?" Josh asked as he sprawled out on the floor.

"Celine Deonce." Tyler responded right away, only half jokng.

Josh laughed, it was kinda ridiculous, naming a cat Celine Deonce. Whatever floats his boat.

"Or Feline Deonce, yeah, that one sounds better." Tyler pet the small white cat. "How does that sound, Feline Deonce?"

That cat let out a small mew and ran to the jingle balls that were left on the floor.

"Ok," Tyler addressed the next problem, laying next to Josh. "Now we need a name for that guy." He said as he pointed at the tabby sitting by their feet.

"Koshek sounds cool."

Tyler nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah."

They sat there for awhile, enjoying the quietness of the house, the occasional jingle of a bell. Tyler liked this quiet, it wasn't scary, it was peaceful. He felt like he was ok, like the quiet wouldn't swallow him up and trap hi with his thoughts. Having Josh helped with this and he felt blessed.

Josh was sthe first to speak. "We are such dorks."

Tyler couldn't hold the giggles. "Yeah, we are."

"But the cool kind of dorks." Josh rolled onto his side, putting an arm around Tyler's waist, a smile on his face.

"If that's what you wanna think." Tyler sassed.

"Oh, shut up."

Tyler just laughed, pulling Josh closer and placing a kiss on his lips. He loved that he had this. He had something that was hard to find and he treasured it. Treasured this moment.

They stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, the cats joining them. Their little family.

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