Walk with Knowledge carefully.

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I saw the lunch staff go aro handing out small water bottles. Wow, the school almost poisoned us," said Andrew. the bell rang. I looked around to see where Aiden was going. He was already out of his seat. I sighed and dreaded going back to class. Once back in, I grabbed my papers and planted them on Coach Kresley's desk. "Alright, now we are going to watch another video on reproduction," said Kresley. 

"Yes more, videos on sex," said Hunter. I heard giggles from his comment. I tuned out Hunter's immature comments. I tried to listen about ovaries and vas deferens. My hand with sigil started itching. I removed my glove to see a smudged sigil from my sweat. My stomach had dropped, I was now vulnerable to Aiden. The bell rang getting me out of my trance and I got out of my seat before Coach Kresley could mutter about homework. I, ran through the hallway like Sonic the hedgehog to get my books. Once, I grabbed my book I turned on my heel and bumped into someone. I gasped. I looked up and it was Coach Kresley."Hey Gemma you ran out too fast here is your worksheet for tonight" he handed me the paper looking a bit concerned and annoyed. "Yes, sorry thank you," I said nervously grabbing the paper. I had to get a grip. Aiden is going to get revenge on the shock I gave him this morning. I was the first one in class, not even the teacher was present. I waited patiently in my seat staring at the board. Everyone started to rush in as I was anticipating for Aiden to enter. I waited but Aiden did not enter. I was saved, I did not have to share a seat with the devil this afternoon. As the lesson went on the door swung open. Aiden had entered the room. My blood ran cold.

 Why did he have to come in today? " Aiden why are you so late," asked Mrs.Donnelly. " I had to finish up my test for Calculus," he said apologetically. "Alright fine, class go ahead and take out your books and go to page 66," she said ignoring his tardiness and half-ass excuse. I held my breath as he took his seat beside me. I could hardly pay attention to the lesson as I took glances at Aiden. Why does he have to sit next to me? As time passed by Mrs.Donnelly read out the  our homework assignments. "Ok class be sure to get your partner's number so you can discuss the project. Your worksheets will be on my desk" she said. Getting Aiden's number? Yeah right. I got up from my chair and was grabbed by the collar of my shirt. I let out a yelp causing everyone to look back. "Hey, dumbass give me your number. People in the class laughed at Aiden's actions toward me, while some looked at me getting secondhand embarrassment. I muttered out my numbers as he entered them into his phone. He did not say anything else and just left. Not even getting the worksheet. I would have to do his homework and mind. I rushed out of the class going the opposite way. I wanted to exit out the back door to avoid Aiden. He must have something in store for me. I quickly ran through the hall and went out the back door. Nobody was around and I finally felt calm. As I walked down the stairs I turned the corner and as I walked I was faced with Aiden and his cronies. SHIT! How come he had to be here? 

Authors note:  I had to do an update on Gemma's Birthday.🎂

Oh yeah, the milk is bad. I had to edit some parts.

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