A friendly reminder

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 I walked down the hall still registering what was said between and Aiden and his minions. I reached my locker and opened it to see that there was a small pound cake waiting for me. I looked around to see if someone was playing a prank but everyone was just casually walking to class. 

My locker smelled sweet and delicious from the cake and I was going to reach for it until I felt a dark shadow envelop me. I shut my locker. "Hey, are you going to move out of my fucking way or do I have to push you?" Said Aiden. I shook my head and moved out of his way so he could get to his locker. " I heard your freak friend left yesterday." He said. I did not answer and I just looked down. How did he even know this? Or even care? "So first your slut friend and now your freak friend. Who do you have left? Oh, wait you don't have any more friends and nobody wants to be your friend here anyway," said Aiden. 

His words hurt, and I wanted to cry because it was true. "It's your birthday today huh? Well, it must be great that you're 17 and probably never been intimate with the opposite sex," he chuckled. I gave him a grimace at his comment. "I'm going to make sure of that Hutchens," he said leaning in closer to me. 

You're not going to have any friends here or even male friends. You just stepped into hell" he said shoving me out of his way. If he's not pushing me around he's emotionally beating me. All that he said was true about me not having friends and now that I don't have any friends left in school I'm on my own. I opened my locker to get my book and I glanced at the cake one last time before going to class. In homeroom, I sat alone looking over my homework and listening to Jason and Jessica chatter on about nothing. I hated them and Aiden the most. It's because of them all my friends are gone. They want me to leave but since I can't leave I guess it's for the best. I'll show them I won't let them win. The bell rang and I walked out passing Jason and Jessica who eyed me up and down and laughed. As I walked out of class Aiden flipped my books out of my hands. Everyone laughed and Jason along with Jessica laughed like hyenas on crack. I did not say anything I just picked up my books and headed to my pre-calc class. 

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