Sweet surprise

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 I'm not good at math but I try my best. Who needs this math anyway? As the lessons went on I felt a weird eery feeling come over my body. It was strange and I felt it before when I was walking to school the other day. "Tomorrow we are having tests," so right now we are going to do a few questions that may be on the tests. As the lessons went on for some reason it all seemed easy to me today. I even answered a few questions impressing my teacher. My next class was English/Lit where grammar reading Shakespeare's "Midsummers Night Dream" was today's lesson. I thought about Aaron and how he was doing and how I missed him. I knew today's lesson would be a challenge but to my surprise again everything was easy. We had a pop quiz and I got all my answers right. Today was ok, not great since Aiden was here. I eyed the cake before going to gym class but decided to wait until lunchtime. In gym class, we had to run laps which I liked more than the swimming class. Despite having luck in my previous classes I still was trying to run laps without collapsing. As I was running some of my classmates shoved me out their way and Maritza had tripped me. I heard her laugh along with others at my expense. The bell finally rang and it was lunchtime. My gym clothes got dirty and my knee got scraped. I rushed to the locker room to change and cleaned up my wound. I headed to the cafeteria and got in line. There were no good desserts today but just apple crisp in which I hated. I wished they served cake or even jello. 

As I paid for my lunch and tried to find a seat my lunch tray went up in the air. To my surprise, I saw Aiden smirking along with his cronies at my expense. Everyone in the lunchroom laughed and pointed except Andrew and Natalie and a few others as I pathetically picked up the dumped food off the floor and put the tray near the disposal area. I ran out of the lunchroom with tears forming in my eyes. I walked briskly down the hall thinking about how my life in school is hell and I'm going through humiliation on my birthday. Why couldn't my birthday be on the weekend this year? I said to myself. I was still a bit hungry and I had remembered the cake in my locker. I ran towards my locker and opened it to see the luscious pound cake on what it looked like parchment paper waiting to be consumed. 

I reached for it and took a piece and placed it in my mouth. It had to be the most delicious pound cake I have ever eaten. The janitor's office was open and I snuck in and ate more of the cake. I was so satisfied and at peace then the thought of dread consumed me once the bell rang again. Once gym class was finished Biology was next. I went to my locker to still smell the sweet smell of cake and got my book rushing to class. I was the first one in class and Mrs.Donelly greeted sweetly. The class filled quickly and Aiden was the last one to come in before the bell rang. I sat in my seat shivering while he gave me a quick sinister glance. As the lessons went on to my surprise I got most of my answers right. It was going good until I accidentally corrected Aiden. I got a few ooohs and laughter at his expense but as for me, I was good as dead. A lump formed in my throat. The bell had rung and that's when my heart started racing. I was the first one in class but decided to be the last one to leave to avoid Aiden. Luck was on my side and I was able to leave without bumping into him. My walk home was peaceful and the birds were singing sweetly. The sound of nature soothed me where I hummed to the sound of the birds. It was as if they were singing with me. As I reached my street  I made the mistake not looking both ways. As I was trying to cross the street a black vehicle sped in my path almost hitting me. I got a glance at the driver and realize it was Aiden. My heart was racing and my breathing was labored. He almost committed murder doing that but I was not surprised. His actions have been getting more and more sadistic by the day. 

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