Chapter 10

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3rd person pov

After taking care of Origami, Asuka was teleport to Fraxinus's ship. Once on board, Asuka placed Tohka in the med bay to rest, while Kotori interrogated Asuka, and Asuka decided to skip the explanation and just show her and Reine her memories, though only until she became a G.O.D. Once she finished Kotori and Reine were shaking in fear, after learning who Asuka was, though Reine was surprised to learn that she was Asuka grandma in her world, but was heartbroken to learn that her counterpart died. Afterwards Kotori explain what Franixus does and Asuka found it stupid and suggested a better option. She told them to befriend the spirit and then teach them on how to suppress their power. Kotori did find the idea optional, but she told Asuka, that sealing the Spirits were the only way they knew. 

Asuka then told Kotori to let her befriend the spirits instead. Kotori contemplated Asuka offer for bit, but eventually agreed to it. After they were done, Asuka went to the med bay and noticed that Tohka was awake.

Asuka: Hey Tohka, I see you finally woken up.

Tohka: What happened? Where are we?

Asuka: You felt dizzy all of a sudden fell unconscious, we were then brought aboard this ship, I then placed you here to rest, while I went to speak to the commander.

Tohka: I see.

Asuka: So listen, I think I've figured out a way to keep the AST away from you.

Tohka: Really? How?

Tohka asked in excitement. 

Asuka: Can you try and lower your mana energy?

I ask Tohka as she nods and her body glows purple. The glowing slowly dies down and I try to sense her mana, but notice that the amount of mana she had was about the same as a normal human.

Asuka:*smiles* Great job Tohka! You did it!

Tohka: Really?!

I nodded and gave her a head pat as a reward for her accomplishment.

I nodded and gave her a head pat as a reward for her accomplishment

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While patting her head, Tohka suddenly lets out a yawn.

Asuka:*chuckles* It would assume that lowering your mana made you a bit tired. Why dont we go home then.

Tohka: O-Okay.

Asuka and  Tohka went to the the command room. Asuka introduced Tohka to Kotori and the crew before asking Kotori to beam them home.

*Note* Asuka house

*Note* Asuka house

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