Chapter 4

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Anna's pov


I rolled over and turned off my alarm clock I layed there for a couple more minutes and then I got up to get ready for school. I was all dressed and ready for school, the only thing left was to cover up the bruises that had formed over night. It only took a couple of minutes and I was done the only thing that I couldn't cover up was the fact that both my jaw and my cheek were a bit swollen but if I hold my head at a certain angle it won't be noticeable I look over at the clock and it says 6:30 it usually takes me 15 minutes to get to school and they don't open till 7:00 so I shouldn't be late but just in case I'll eat breakfast at school today. I throw on my backpack and stuff my phone in my pocket and head out. As I'm walking to school I hear someone say "Hey Anna." I look over in the direction it had come from and I see Crybaby riding up to me on his bike and he stops in front of me then he says "Do you want a ride to school?" I look at the time on my phone 6:35 and I was still a good ways away so if I didn't accept I was going to end up being late so I reluctantly agree and before I knew it about five minutes later we were at school. We both got off of the bike and I immediately turn away from Crybaby not wanting him to see my face but I think Crybaby noticed because he says "Are you alright?" "I'm fine" "I don't believe you." And then he turns me around and I just look at the ground but he notices this and lifts my head up so that he can see what's wrong. I close my eyes because I don't want to see his reaction but I hear him gasp and say "What happened?" I open my eyes to see his shocked face and I simply say "I fell." "Your a terrible liar you know that." And I can see that he isn't going stop badgering me until I tell him the truth, why am I lying to him I know I can trust him and with that final thought I tell him what really happened and how I ended up with a swollen face by the time I was finished I was almost in tears Crybaby noticed because the next thing I know he's hugging me and I hugged him back, he continued to do so until he felt I was okay and when we parted we just sat there until the school opened. The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it I was gathering my things to go home and when I was starting to walk home Crybaby offered me a ride home I gladly accepted and when we were a block from my house I told him that I'd walk the rest of the way so I got off and started to walk home when he said "Anna" I turned around "Yeah" "Can I get your number" "Sure" and after we both gave each other our numbers he said "If anything happens or if you just need someone to talk to you can text me anytime and I'll always answer." I smiled and said "Thanks" "No problem after all what are friends for." And with that he drove off. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to walk home with a smile on my face.

Hey guys so here's the update for Crybaby sorry it took so long and sorry it's short I know it's not the best but I figured I'd at least try to put something up for you guys.

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