Chapter 5

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One Month Later
Anna's pov

I was sitting in my room on a Friday night board as hell so I got out my phone and decided to text Crybaby.

A: Hey

C: Hey wyd

A: Nothing much just sitting in my room borad out of my mind UGHHHHHH!!!!!

C: That sucks

A: Tell me about it, Friday night and I'm stuck in my room

C: Stuck???

A: My parents think that I'm being disrespectful again so they grounded me to my room

C: Oh ok

A: Yeah, this sucks it's a Friday night I wanna do something

C: So why don't you sneak out, besides I'm about to go to Turkey Point to meet up with the guy's wanna come?

I thought about it for a second because if I go and my parents find out I'll be in even more trouble than I already am but on the other hand I'll get to see Crybaby besides I've snuck out before and gotten away with it so I figured what the hell why not.

A: Yeah sure why not

C: Awesome meet me at my place in 10 minutes

A: Alright see ya in 10

C: See ya

And with that I put my phone in my pocket, as it was currently 10:00, got up and quickly brushed my hair and then I looked myself over in the mirror I looked good. I was wearing my white converse, black jeans, a black and white stripped shirt, and a black cardigan to go over it. I opened my window, and kept it cracked just a little so that I could get back inside later,and climbed down the pipeline, once I was on the ground I made my over to Crybaby's, which didn't take that long, once I was there he was already outside waiting for me. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back once we separated I said "Hey you." He smiled and replied "Hey so you ready to go meet up with the guy's?" "Yeah totally." So he got on his bike and I got on behind him and we headed to Turkey Point. Before I knew it we were already there he cut off the engine and got off I did as well and we started walking in the distance I could see a group of people which was probably Crybaby's gang once we were there Crybaby said "Hey guy's what's up." Then one of them said "Nothing much just hanging." Then somebody else noticed that I was there and said "Hey Crybaby what's she doing here?" "Cool it guy's she's with me" He said defensively but then they all laughed and another one of them said "Your joking right I mean come on Crybaby nobody wants to hang out with that freak." That only made them laugh harder, I started to walk away thinking that they were right and that I was foolish enough to even come here I mean what was I thinking I'll never be able to fit in any where, but then Crybaby stood up for me and said "She is not a freak, just because she's different doesn't mean anything she is an amazing person and if people can't see that then that's there loss." And that made me stop dead in my tracks, I was shocked because no ones ever stood up for me like that before I
heard Crybaby walking towards me he turned me around and hugged me, then he held my head in his hands giving me no choice but to look at him and he wiped something away on my cheek and said "Hey it's alright you don't have to cry." I hadn't even realised I was crying I sniffled and he took hold of my hand and we walked away from them he finally stopped once we were a good ways away from them in a clearing that showed the moon and the stars perfectly he sat down and so did I, by this time I had already stopped crying. "Anna are you ok?" "I'll be alright." "I'm sorry about that back there if I'd have known that they were going to be like that I wouldn't have brought you." I smiled and said "Crybaby it's ok I'm fine besides it's not what they said that got to me." This made him confused and he said "Then what did?" "When you stood up for me like that no one ever has." And after I said that I looked away from him but he turned my head back to face him and he said "Anna you are an amazing person, don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise because you are perfect just the way you are." "Really?" "Yes you are and I am honored to be able to be the first person to tell you that." I could tell he meant what he said because of the look in his eyes and after that we just stared into each others eyes and he started to lean into me, we kept getting closer and closer until our lips were almost touching then he asked me "Can I kiss you?" I answered without hesitation "Yes." And then he closed the distance between us, our lips now touching, at first I didn't react but then after a few seconds I did our lips now moving together in sync as if we were made for each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist deepening the kiss he laid me back against the grass our lips still touching, and in this moment I feel happy and safe in his arms. Then we separated and his hands started moving upward's and they stopped just below my breasts he looks at me questioningly as if asking for permission and of course I grant it, he doesn't hesitate to explore them I arch my back and he kisses me again, I let lose a moan making him smile through the kiss in satisfaction but as quickly as it had all started it ended and he pulled away from me we both sat up and straightened ourselves up and he stood up and extended his hand out towards me and I gladly accepted it then he asked me "Anna I really like you and I've been meaning to ask for awhile now but will you go out with me?" Of course I said "Yes." and with that I took out my phone to check the time and it was 12:00 which means that I've been gone for two hours "Shit." I said "What is it?" "It's 12:00 which means that I've been gone for two hours, more time than I should have been gone and if I don't get back now I might get caught." "That's not good, come on." And with that we left Turkey Point and he drove me back to his house and once we were there he cut off the engine and hopped off I did as well but before I left I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick good night kiss and then I pulled away and ran all the way back to my house, quickly climbed the pipelines and into my room shut and locked the window got changed into my PJ's and climbed into bed with the biggest smile on my face and the last thing I thought before bed was 'Life couldn't get any better than this.'

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