chapter 6

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Anna's pov

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, so I got up and got dressed. After I got done with that I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I decided on a bowl of honey bunches of oats, when I got done eating I put my bowl in the sink. Just as I got done with that my parents decided to come down stairs and I really wanted to see Crybaby again so I looked over at my mom and said "Hey mom I know I'm still grounded but there's this book report that's due on Monday so I was wondering if I could go to the library so that I could finish it?" She pondered my question for a minute and said "Sure I'm okay with it if your father is." So I turned to him and asked him the same question and to my surprise he said yes so I went upstairs grabbed my backpack and pocketed my phone so I could text Crybaby when I got there then I went outside and started walking towards the library. Once I got there I pulled out my phone and started to text Crybaby.

A: Hey

C: Hey whats up?

A: Nothing much you?

C: Same.

A: Cool I was wondering if you'd come and pick me up at the library.

C: Yeah sure I'm on my way

A: Kk

And sure enough a couple minutes later Crybaby showed up on his bike, he got off and started walking towards me "Hey Anna what's up and what's with the backpack?" "I wanted to see you so I lied to my parents saying that I needed go to the library to finish a book report and they fell for it." "Oh cool so what do you wanna do?" "I don't know." I thought for a moment and said "We could go catch a movie?" It was more of a question than a statement but he agreed so we both hopped on his bike and went to the movies. Once we got there he asked "So which movie do you wanna see?" I thought about it for a moment and decided upon a scary movie "The Woman in Black I've been meaning to see that one." He just shrugged his shoulders "Okay." so we bought two tickets to The Woman in Black and sat down in the middle and after the previews there was like two other couples there so yeah. The movie was almost over and this may not have been a good choice because so far I have spent most of the movie with my face buried in Crybaby's shoulder and he whispered "Hey this is a good part look." So I looked up and it was at the part where Daniel Radcliffe's son in the movie is about to be ran over by a train and he runs to try and save him but they both end up dying. And with that the lights in the movie theater came back on Crybaby laughed and said "You get scared easy don't you?" "No" I lied "You know your not a good liar." Damn "So I get scared easy I still wanted to see this movie." "Why?" "Because I've seen the trailer for this movie a while back and I wanted to check it out." "Okaaay." And we both burst out laughing. We got up to leave but halfway to the exit Crybaby suddenly stopped and turned me around then put both of his hands on either side of my face and started to lean in I closed my eyes just as his lips meet mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck then he took his and wrapped them around my waist bringing us closer together deepening the kiss I let loose a moan and we stayed like that until we both were short of breath and forced to part for air. After I regained my breath I said "What was that for?" He smiled and said "Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" which caused me to blush and I looked down to hide it "Don't hide it your cute when you blush." Which caused me to blush even harder and we continued walking and when we got to his bike he said "So where do you want me to drop you off at?" " just drop me off back at the library I've got a book report to do." "Is there really a book report due Monday?" "No but if I don't bring one home my parents will become suspicious." "Oh okay." So Crybaby dropped me off at the library but before he left Crybaby gave me a kiss goodbye and then he drove off.

A couple of hours later

I finally finished my fake book report over The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and I put it in my English folder after I got done stapling it. It was 5:00 so I had plenty of time to get home, after I got home I was about to head upstairs but my parents stopped me and told me to come back into the living room so I did and as I predicted they wanted to read it so I pulled it out of my backpack and handed it to them. After they got done reading it they decided that I wasn't lying about the book report so they handed it back to me and let me go up to my room no further questions asked. I was really tired from writing the fake book report so I decided to get changed into my PJ's and after I got done doing that I checked the time 6:00 it was still pretty early so I decided to put my headphones in and listen to some music. I was halfway through my playlist when my eyelids started to feel heavy so I took out my headphones, turned my phone off and set it on my bedside table. It didn't take long for sleep to overcome me and before I knew it I was out cold.

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