the plush

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It's not really romantic or anything. I put Y/N in it since I'm shitty at making names. Y/N use they/them pronounce. Sorry if in some sentences Y/N has different pronounce, I really tried to not make any mistakes with it, but since I'm used to read  Y/N as girl i could write few wrong pronounce.

I will probably read it over again and correct the mistakes I can see.

Possessed toys


"Happy b-day, Y/N!". A man was standing at a porch of their house. His arms was in front of her face, holding a plush. It had yellow fur with few lighter elements, purple bowtie and vest with white stars, tho buttons on it's chest and a weirdly, nearly growing purple eyes. The man was grinning like a kid while putting the plush on their face.

"Is it the plush you were talking about?". Y/N raised their brow. They take a step back and grabbed the bunny, inspecting it from every angle. they didn't notice anything special besides it's eyes moving every time they moved it. Y/N looked up from the plush and smiled at the man at the door.

"Come in". He nodded and walked inside the house. They locked the door behind him and lead him to living room.

"Wanna something to drink?". They dropped the plush on Caffe table and started to walk to the kitchen.

"You have coke?". Y/N nodded and continued to walk.

They come back with two glasses of dark liquid. They give the man one of them and sat down.

"Really shame you couldn't come with us". The man started. He took a sip from the glass and put it on the table.

"I know! I wish I could but I had to take care of my sister, like she isn't old enough to take her of herself. FOR FUCKS SAKE SHE'S 13".


"I know, right?!". Y/N let out a annoying sign. "But anyway. How was there? Did you saw the legendary Fazbear killer?". The man laughted.

"I told you. It's mith that he's still alive".

"Let me dream, Johnson". Y/N pounded and looked at the table. The plush was now sitting on it. Did he move?. They shrugged it off and continued talking to their friend. "But anyway, how was there?"

"Well, it was creepy as fuck. There was some blood stains in on stage where the main robots would stood. Er- we found them at one of the rooms. I think it was a magazine or service room". Johnson stopped talking to think."oh! We found the originals! Yea, it wasn't pretty sight. They didn't cleaned them from blood so now they is stained blood coming out of every joint, mouth and eyes". The man shuddered from reminding that scene. "But anyway. We found cool plushies on of them is this". He gestured at the bunny and looked at his now empty glass. "Can I get myself more?". Y/N nodded. "Could you take my glass too?". They handed the man their glass and he took it.


What a beautiful night. The silence. The dark atmosphere. It's a perfect time to watch a horror with the stupid main character. That's also what Y/N thought. She was laying on her bed with their laptop in front of them, headphones on her head. They was in that moment when the character hear something from the basement and go there to check it out.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Don't go in there! Of Course some creep will be in there!". They yelled at the monitor and throw their headphones off their head. They doesn't even know why they wanted to watch it in the first place. These type of horrors always have dumb people on it. Whot the fuck would check if someone in in their basement? Or yell on the other side of the house if someone is in there?

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