The summoning

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I really didn't had a idea for the title

a Demon

“purpura interfectorem” The group of teens said for the first time. Nothing happened.

“purpura interfectorem” The group of the teens said for the second time. The half burned candles’ fire started to grow bigger. A  previously unfeeling wind started to get noticeable.

“purpura interfectorem” The group of the teens said for the third time. A radio static started to appear in the room.

“purpura interfectorem” The group of the teens said for the fourth time.The teens started to feel a throbbing pain running though their body. Some were near to stop the ritual by dropping to their knees or fainting.

“purpura interfectorem” The group of the teens said for the fifth time. The symbols on the floor started to grow, even seemed to move from the place they were drawn.

“purpura interfectorem-” The group of the teens said for the sixth time. A second later they get thrown across the room by an invisible force. Each of them hitting a wall or, for one of them, a table edge - ow.

In the center of the signs drawn on the ground a tall silhouette of a man sat. The summoned being was sitting cross legged on the floor where a ring was painted. Its head was low, pointed at the ground below and its arms were resting on its knees.

The first teen standed up from his lying position. He looked around the room, seeing his friend thrown all over the room. His eyes stopped at the sitting silhouette in the center. He quiveringly got up, holding on a chair felt next to. “What… Who are you?”.

The being snapped his head forward, a little crack sound came out of its neck. The teen stiffened. Only now he noticed the lack of the candles’ light, in almost all of them the fire was replaced with too thick smoke coming out of the candle wicks. The lit ones were making a spine chilling shadows over the beings face. The grin the unknown person had seemed longer and bigger than was in reality and the bags the ‘human’ had were too large.

The boy didn’t noticed then his other friends got on their legs and were now staring with dread at the haunting smile. All but one. Eddie, the name of the only teen who was starring with displeasure. He was the one sending a link to some shady web with rituals to their friend group chat. Later convinces them to perform a summoning in his parent’s basement.

“Wasn’t it supposed to be a demon?” Eddie whispered to a girl next to him. She looked at him with disbelief.

“It IS a demon. Weren’t you reading all these pages you sent us” She hissed back at him. She looked away from the boy and back at the being. Her breath hitched when she noticed a purple glowing eye staring right at her and the boy.

“Can this thing even move? Eddie mumbled under his breath, no one but he and the inhuman grinning demon seemed to hear it. The said demon suddenly appeared right in his face right after he asked the question. The being had to crouch a lot because of its height. Eddie jumped, then made no other move. The people next to the scene backed off to not have the grinning face next to them that close.

Some of them still want to live, after all…

The thing titled its head. The boy frowned, mumbling some other insulting words which the demon for sure also heard. Suddenly the face backed off. Now the ‘person’ was standing straight in front of the boy. The distance seemed to be a lot more than before. Also, it also seemed the summoned being was also a lot, lot taller than they expected, Eddie was a little below 6 feet and he was reaching to its chest.

The demon reached up his hand. his two fingers in position to snap them. Before someone could realize what was going on the last of the candles went out and a loud ‘boom’-ish sound spread across the room, along with an unpleasant sound of something splashing and wet sounds of some tiny things falling.

The other people in the room started to freak out, some let out a squeak before slamming their hand over their mouth. They waited some more.  The room lightened with an eye blinding white flash and a lamp over their heads turned on.

When the teens opened up their eyes the first thing they could see was the tall demon trying to shake off of its clothes a tiny bit of something that stained his clothes blood red. When their eyes lowered to the floor they immediately regretted they agreed on the boy’s proposition.

On the floor lay a bloody corpse of their friend. Headless corpse. Pieces of what they could see were skin, hair and what they thought was the brain laying all over the floor but the biggest parts were next to the body.  Blood still comes out of the torn apart neck. One of his eyes was still rolling on the floor, the other was Freddy knows where.

The young eyes watched it till they realized what they were looking at. The only eyes that were still on the body were a girl’s. The one who was arguing minutes ago about the being.

“OH MY GOD”. Seems like the other eye was found. Then a cry came out of one of the boys. He was one of the youngest ones of the group by the name Walter, Wally for short. He wore a dark striped sweater with loose jeans and a few stains of what the boy hoped was not an actual blood.

“Shut up!” A boy next to him hissed.

The demon snapped its head in the direction of the voices. He saw the small boy with teary eyes being scolded by an older boy with a gray short sleeved shirt and long pants. He glared at the older, who feeling the intensive stare looked around only to see how the being was throwing daggers at him. He quickly shut his mouth and looked at the floor, away from the purple eyes. Which wasn’t the best idea since under his toes were laying some pieces of the dead boy's face.

The demon’s lips curved upwards at the face the teen was making and looked around, seeing the same look on everyone. It made a fake apologizing look, a frown on its face and a hand on its chest. “My apologies,” it said “I didn’t mean for his head to explode. I still have all these fireworks from the new year in my head”. He chucked a little before it clapped its hand and announced the most important information like.

1. Not calling him a ‘it’.
2. They have one wish that mustn't include: peace, love, groceries, homework…
3. His name is W. Afton

“Sorry, what does the ‘W’ stand for?” The boy with the gray shirt asked after Afton was presumably done with making the rules.

“My name, of course”. The demon rolled his eyes at the easy question and now stared at the smaller boy, Wally who was hiding behind the older. The teen scowled but didn’t say anything back.

“What will happen to the body?”. Another question. This time from a red head girl, Christine, Tina or Chris for short. Afton looked her up and down, stopping his eyes at a red bow in the girl’s hair. It had a weird familiar feeling. When he was done starring he realized what the question was and was now staring down at her with raised brow but answered either way.

“You will hide it”

And that was how the group of stupid teens met a purple loving demon by the last name of ‘Afton’. The group somehow hid the body in the backyard. Which wasn't the best idea but the person who was an expert (Afton) didn’t really say anything about it. He won’t be the one who will land in jail. The teens also debate about the one and only wish they can have for the demon and meanwhile are trying to not go insane by the demon who was making their lives a misery as long as he will be on earth.


words: 1383
characters: 5975
pages: 3

I liked the idea but didn't really know how to increase it so i will for now leave it that way… on only 1.4K words…

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