Part 22

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Matt pulled away a little. Mello still smelled like smoke. He kissed his forehead then. "Do you want me to wash your hair at least?" 

"Alright." he murmured softly in reply and gave a slight nod. He needed that. He hated the smell smoke. It was no wonder why he got so angry at Matt for smoking sometimes.

"I'll get you a towel so you can get rid of your clothes, bet you don't want them to get wet." He let him go and stood up.

Seeing as his back was turned ,slight worry and sorrow flickered in his blue eyes and he looked away for a moment. He then looked back at the gamer. "I don't care about that." he answered.

"You have to change them, they smell too." He mumbled and finally found him a towel.

He opened his mouth to protest when he realized he had no excuse to offer. His mouth closed again and he just stared at him silently.

"...what's wrong?" Matt asked. He could sense something was wrong.

"Nothing." he replied simply and managed to keep a straight face as he stared at him.

"I'm not stupid," he said and gave the towel to him.

"Just..leave it Matt." he muttered and then finally sat up.

"Fine..." he sighed and left the room letting Mello undress in peace.

He watched him go and then sighed heavily. He figured it would be fine since he could just wrap the towl around his legs and that was perfectly normal. He slowly and carefully got undressed wincing a bit as he did so.  After he was done he put the towel around his bottom half and sat back down. "Alright, I'm done." he called.

He walked in and came to him, and took his own shirt away just in case. He then carefully picked him up. "Okay then."

He put his arms around his neck and briefly smiled. He remained quiet.

He carried him to the bathroom and got him a chair. "Sit down, I'll wash it for you."

Mello nodded ,doing as he said and sat down.

Matt started to wash his hair. "Tilt your head back, don't want to get shampoo in your eyes right."

"Yeah yeah,I know." he replied and leant his head back, closing his eyes.

He silenty washed his hair even when he got his own clothes wet, he didn't care.

He sighed softly slowly feeling more relaxed as Matt's hands ran through his hair with ease. It was soothing.

He smiled and accidently got his own face to shampoo and bubbles but ignored it, and realized that now Mello's hair smelled more like flowers. He chuckled.

Mello didn't particularly care. Any smell was better than the smell of smoke. He smiled softly and kept his eyes closed.

He soon washed the shampoo away and then wrapped Mello's hair to a towel, kissing his forehead. "Done."

He opened his eyes ,staring up at him and flashed a small smile and then looked forward. "Thanks Matt."

"You're welcome." He smiled softly.

He nodded, standing up and then looked back at him.

He got rid of the mess and put the chair back. He himself was still a little wet.

He chuckled a little seeing that Matt had got some water and a bit of shampoo on himself.

"What?" He smirked.

He grinned at him a bit. "You,there's water and shampoo all over you. Ah well, guess we'll both be smelling like flowers now." he laughed softly.

"Wasn't that such a nice smell?" Matt chuckled and kissed him suddenly...

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