Part 10

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He opened his mouth to speak but once again no words came out. "S-since when have you been good with words?" He half stuttered and half choked with happiness. He never knew Matt could get him to be like this,he wasn't that kind of person but somehow the red head had managed to. Even a tear slid down his cheek and dropped onto the carpet. "You've got me in an emotional mess.." He gave a light hiccup and then looked up at him smiling.

"I Honestly don't know how I made it. It just... Happened. It was natural." Matt gently wiped his tears away, even when he wanted to cry as well, tears of joy. He was holding him tightly still, and knew he would show this to him every single day, like he would tell him as well, how much he loved him.

"I've never really told grateful I am..for all you've done for me,I wanna tell you now, I really appreciate it even if I don't show it" he murmured,the overjoyed smile never leaving his face.

He smiled, softly kissing his nose. "I guess I could see it. I treated you pretty well, did I?"

"Always have" he answered with a soft voice,smiling back at him,his eyes never left his. Matt softly held his hand. He would've never guessed things would turn to be like they were now.

Mello looked down  lightly squeezed his hand as he held it. He didn't think things would ever be like this either but he was glad that they were.

"So you'll be my princess, even when I'm an unhealthy lazy-ass sloth?" He asked, playing with Mello's golden locks with his other hand.

He rolled his eyes and snickered lightly. For some reason he really liked it when Matt played with his hair. It was relaxing to him. "We're both unhealthy so its fine" he chuckled in reply.

He smirked and remembered a time when Mello literally destroyed all his cigarettes and shut him out for hours when he got annoyed, only to find Matt later smoking new cigarettes he had bought meanwhile. The blonde had kicked his ass. "Yeah, we are."

"You seem to be thinking about something,what is it?" He chuckled again ,staring at him intently. Sometimes he often went a bit to far when he was angry but would never realize until after and then would wonder why he even did it. He was surprised that the red head had decided to put up with him. Most people would have probably left him but not Matt.

"The time when you finally got enough after me smoking way too much, destroying all my stuff and kicking me out to see I got more," he chuckled.

Mello laughed softly. He was so angry when that happened. "How the hell do you put up with me?" He asked.

"If I leave you, who's going to get you your chocolate?" Matt rolled his eyes, and then smiled. "Because I know after a few hours of hell you calm down and give me my Nintendo back. Of course."

"I can easily buy it myself" he retorted,seeming amused. "And yes but how do you tolerate all the time? I guess your love for me is too strong that you don't care" he teased and flashed a grin.

He just smiled and kissed his forehead. "I can easily deal with you, it's my talent," he said.

He gave a soft light giggle,liking his touches. "Of course" he chuckled then in reply.

Matt smirked. "Wait. Does this mean you really won't burn my ass?"

"I don't have a reason too" he laughed lightly in answer.

He just smiled and kept playing with his hair. "I love your hair," he said chuckling.

"I guessed,you've played with it about a thousand times" he laughed rolling his eyes.

"But it's so soft and golden," he said. "And long enough to play with."

"Don't worry,I like it" he giggled softly and pressed himself closer to the red head.

"Good," he smirked, and within a minute, Mello had a small braid. Matt was laughing silenty as he started another.

"Oh great now you're really making me into a princess he laughed and put his hand to his face.

"Of course." He smiled, and kept doing it silenty. He couldn't even remember when he had learned this.

"since when have you been able to do plats?" He snickered and rolled his eyes.

"No idea...." he said, and after ten minutes, Mello's head was full or small golden braids.

"Matt get a mirror" he grunted wanting to see how stupid he looked. But overall found it amusing as well as annoying.

He smiled. "Okay then." He got up and soon returned with a small mirror, laughing silenty to his hand. Mello looked absolutely adorable like that.

Mello took the mirror and peered into it, His eyes widened slightly. "Matt you made me look like a girl!!" He exclaimed and put his hand to his face again.

He started laughing loudly, like always. He just couldn't stop. Mello's reaction was better than his hair. "But it's so adorable!"

"It is not!!" He retorted and shook his hair vigorously,trying to make the braids fall out. "Damn it," he sighed. "You were so cute."

"Yeah yeah" he grunted, ruffling his hair with hand. It fell straight again once more. He stuck his tongue out playfully at Matt. "Sorry to ruin all your hard work" he teased.

"Nah. Wait till you fall asleep." He gave a smirk.

He raised his eyebrow in suspicion. "Just what are you planning?" He asked but knew that Matt would most likely not tell him.

"Noooothing ~" he said innocently, tackling Mello to the bed and kissing his nose.

Mello fell backwards against the covers ,laughing a little and then he stared up at Matt smiling. "Yeeeeah sureee" he answered.

"I am sure," he smirked, held his hands and pulled him into another, deep kiss.

Mello closed his eyes and gripped onto him tightly. He kissed back passionately and enwrapped his hands around the red heads neck pulling him close to his chest.

"I love you, even when you're so upset that you are annoying as fuck." he said half serious.

" and I love you ,even when you irritate the fuck outta me sometimes" he said back.

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