Part 15

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"Mels, they're outside your hideout," Matt messaged in a slight panic, making sure he was invisible.

Mello got the message and became alarmed. He threw the Death Note to one of the men. "Take care of it and make sure it stays in your hands!" He hissed the order. The man nodded. The shinigami could not warn them as Ryuk; Lights shinigami had covered his mouth. Light seemed to be explaining something to his father. The Chief nodded and stared at the pieces of paper his son was holding. For a few moments,nothing happened. Suddenly there was chocking and several members dropped to the ground dead and soon Lights crew had entered the hideout along with the chief. Mello darted off and disappeared down the hallway.They entered the main room and Mr Yagami picked up the Death Note.

Matt waited nervously his heart pounding. He got no new orders and was dead scared, holding his gun silenty just in case.

Mello was now sat on a table in a room holding a panal. Soon Chief Yagami entered the room. Mello was angry all the mafia was now dead and yes it had thrown him off guard, but yet he wasn't afraid. He snickered as he entered. The Chiefs eyes glowed a faint red as he opened the book and took out a pen. Mello raised an eyebrow. "Didn't think I would see you again Mr Yagami." He commented dryly. "I'm going to kill you."The Chief said not answering to his comment. "Oh really? How are you gonna do that? Mello isn't my real name you know." he laughed softly. "I will kill you ..Mihael Keehl" he said firmly and Mellos eyes widened. He stared at him in shock. How could he have possibly know that? However still being certain he would not die, he just chuckled darkly. "You won't do it."

The redhead kept staring at the place. He knew he was invisible... It hurt so much to know Mello was in trouble...

The chief wrote his first name down. Although he didn't show it Mello was a tad bit worried that he would actually die, but he was sure he wouldn't do it. Suddenly then one of the injuried men on the floor shot at Mr Yagami several times and then Mello didn't wait any longer. Without hesitance he pushed the button on the panal. He knew it was a dangerous risk but it was the only way.  A loud explosion rang out and then the warehouse was engulfed in flames.

Matt thought his heart maybe stopped in that place. The whole building was being eaten by flames. "Mello..." he whispered and carefully got out. Searching the blonde with his eyes from that, what was left.

Mello had not fully escaped the impact and was now lying on the floor covered in ashes and blood. Such burning heat surrounded him and he groaned  loudly in pain. His eyes were wide with agony as he stared upward. He couldn't move.

Matt ran closer in panic, and was lucky enough to not get seen. The heat inside the burning building, or that what was left from it, was making it hard to breath like smoke as well. He searched the blonde, afraid what he would or wouldn't find. But then he saw his limp body and in panic ran next to him. "Mello?" His voice was raspy from the smoke, as he carefully lifted his body and took him to his lap. "Mello, can you hear me?" He was happy to have his goggles, as he would feel stupid to cry so it was visible. "Please... Can you... Hear me..?"

Mello only answered in another agonising cry of pain. He looked up at the red head and coughed. He felt so weak,he could barely breathe. He didn't seem to recognize him at first but then he instantly knew. ""he croaked out shakily ,his voice quiet and sounded scratched. His eyes closed and he cried out again.

He held him carefully. "It'll be fine, I'll get you out from here..." he whispered and started to walk. He heard other voices and almost ran out to the car. He carefully let Mello go and closed the door, started the car and got away quickly.

Mello let out heavy breathes but half choked due to the smoke. His eyes opened to look at Matt once more as he drove and then his vision went blurry and eventually he passed out.

Matt kept driving still worried. He was so scared Mello would die and could barely see the road through his tears. Mello lay there still ,not moving. Only faint shallow breathes came from him.

They were soon home. Matt picked him up weakly and made their way in. He looked at his damaged face and opened all Windows even when the house wasn't even smelling anymore. He made sure Mello was so comfortable as he could and kissed his forehead softly. Then, he sat on the floor next to the bed Mello laid on, and slowly fell asleep.

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