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It was the second semester of our sophomore year and we're asked to submit the form with list of subjects we would like to take so we can get a new and more efficient schedule. Wasn't that hard to decide, seeing as I already spent a whole year offering all subjects, so now I can choose the ones I manage to get a C.
But I need to make sure I was on thesame page with my only friend in this shithole, literally my closest friend here at school, Abigail. Aby can be classified as someone that could be as a bestfriend, or more so...close, but not

(A/N: Aby isn't her bsf, because her bestfriend would be introduced later on. What I'm saying is, Aby is her school bsf and not an over all bsf! Excess use of the word "bsf"🤭 )

"Hey!" I shouted all in the process to scare her,which was a mission failed if you really want to get into the details

"Yeah nice try" she snickered

"Sooo decided on what we're dropping yet?" I asked

"What do you mean 'we'

"Y'know,...we as in we we" I pointed between the both of us

"Jia.."she started, doing a face palm

"...Go choose what you're good with, okay"

"Yeah, sure" I mumbled and went back to my seat

Abigail is basically the only person I truly Am myself with at school, and when I say I'm myself  I don't mean the good kind of "myself" I mean the crazy ass, rude, insulting, unimpressed, easily annoyed person that I am and not the quiet, almost mute girl I've been for almost three years to the entire class, hell the entire school.

I'm literally just a casual teen, trying to get through high school by watching Netflix, eating, sleeping and basically cursing everyone in front of me (in my head of course). I'm the only Muslim/hijabi in my class and no! It doesn't bother me at all. I know what I am and continued being what i am.

I got transferred to Glivered junior High when I was in the 8th grade, and well if you haven't done the maths yet... I'm a sophomore second semester, now
yeah it sucks especially when I was forcefully dragged to this shit hole, if you're that slow and haven't guessed it...well I despise every living ass in this hellish place, except my Aby ofcourse and probably a few other people as well (key word being 'FEW')

For years I've been a very shy girl that happens to be dumb but beautiful. As a hijabi, nothing changes about the fact that I'm pretty. Most...actually all the teachers thought I was a selective mute, I don't blame them.  Sometimes when a teacher insists on asking me a question, they get nothing! Mostly because I don't know the answer but I also seem to loose my voice for that moment

I'm actually a VERY social person *no sarcasm* at anywhere but my school. I talk ALOttttt, but only few people know that...and like I said, the rest probably think I'm mute. I'm like superrrrrrrr cooooolll but they don't seem to notice *eye roll*
I live on arguments! I freaking LOVE to argue!! Arguments are basically the way to my stone heart (yeah...I'm heartless asf).

I may not be the smartest, hell I'm not even an average student, well I'm a lower average when I don't try (thank holy GoDddd) and a mid average when I actually give in an effort.
I'm probably one of the top 10 most lazy people on the planet, and to top my icing...well I lack ambition or potentials *cries out dramatically*  on the scale of 1-10, I'll probably be at negative three(-3), but then at least I don't get to be lazy and ambitious cause that won't end well. Lol if you know what I mean.

During the 8th grade, Vanessa was the closest thing I had to a bestfriend, at school
(we were both so soo sooo short it was an automatic friendship) we did everything together, but then during freshman year, we kind of just drifted apart, that's when Aby and I became close and I had to begged her to move her locker close to mine

Vee and a few other people in the class get to testify on the real Jia, but all that changed at the start of sophomore year, suddenly I voiced out my thoughts (which were mostly insults) but I knew it would happen, I kept on wondering when the real me, the talkative socialist was gonna pop out.

Heyyyyyyyyyy!!! I don't know where TF this is coming from or where It's going 💀😭 have I said "HEYYY" yet? *awkwardly laughs. Anywaysssss should I or should I NOT continue with whatever TH it is I'm heading at (which btw, I also don't know hehe🥲)

Honestly...I'm not here for followers, likes or comments😬 I have no idea🥴 wellllllll....I just wanted to try this whole 'writing' thing everyone's doing (I'm a movie person BTW! Not a BOOKWORM) I'm not a fan of reading like at allllll😭
But do let me know if you want me to continue❤️

Can you TELLLLLL me how you found this🥺pleaseeee😩 I want to have fun knowing where or how you're here🥹 so please can you comment how-


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