04 - Phones under the table

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"Morning!" I heard my mom half yell from the kitchen as I was coming down the stairs.

"What time is it?" I asked as I made my way to breakfast.
My mom took a peek at her phone and replied
"It's 8:23"

With that! I start to panic.

Why the hell didn't she wake me up.

"Good parenting ma, you should get an award" I say with obvious sarcasm, something hit me and I start to re-panic.

"Mammy?" I start in a shaky tone.


"where's daddy?" I asked, fear written all over my voice.

"He's in the room getting ready" she replied.

"Oh thank god!" I let out a sigh of relief.

My Dad hates it when I'm late, like triple grounded late with no "wi-fi" hate, especially when my tardiness happens to be for international hellhole (school).

I quickly rushed upstairs to grab my bag. And well, since it's obvious the school bus is long gone...I'm walking to school *sigh I hate my life. I hate, and I mean hate using my legs! I believe they should be on my bed always, but no! The universe had a better plan.

I quickly exited the house before anything can blow up my cover and be the reason I say bye bye to the lovely internet. I was walking down the street, pouring curses to why I can't just drop out of school and marry a rich guy, when I heard a ding from my phone...it was a text from Aby.


Why I'm I not surprised you're still not here

My lovely MOTHER didn't bother to wake up her only child to school today🥲and the best part...I'm walking

Oh stop your whining and quickly get here! It's just a thirty minutes walk🤦‍♀️lazyyyyyyy

Yeah! 30mins worth hell!😭

I exited the chat and went on tiktok, yes! I watch tiktoks while I walk (you should try it).

But in case you meet your dead grandparents the next day...it was never my idea!

The first video that came up on my fyp was a tiktok sound I've been wanting to use, cause I already learned the dance. I saw a car (empty, if I may add) parked at the side of the road, so I dropped my phone on it and set the timer on.

There was no one passing by, plus I love street tiktoks. After four attempts, I finally got the perfect one, so I saved it to my drafts and tried again to see if I could do an even better one.

I'm gonna be so late.

I don't post on tiktok, I make the videos for myself, and I really enjoy making them. I grab my phone and continued my journey to hell.


"Can you slow down!" I half yelled at Ethan as we walk down the hallway.

Turns out- I'm not the only one with an award winning MOM (note to sarcasm).

"It's not heaven we're heading to, y'know!" I continued as I try to catch up to him.

It could be loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang